In His parable of the Prodigal Son
In His parable of the Prodigal Son

In His parable of the Prodigal Son, Jesus painted the contrast between the rebellious, wayward, cheating son who wasted his inheritance, and the loving, forgiving father who welcomed his wayward son home and forgave him (Luke 15:11-32).

prodigal son; Luke 15:11-32; rebel; rebelled; rebelling; rebel's; rebels'; rebellion; rebellious; rebelliousness; wander; wanders; wanderer; welcoming; forgive; forgives; forgave; forgiving; forgiven; forgiveness; father; pardon; remit; absolve; acquit; excuse; except; cancel; release; overlook; clear; exculpate; exonerate; free; condone; dismiss from the mind; palliate; let pass; forget; relent; bear; no malice; bury the hatchet; turn the other cheek; blot out offenses; wipe the slate clean; reprieve; reinstated; taken back; welcomed home; absolution; acquittal; remission; dispensation; extenuation; quittance; justification; amnesty; respite; memory; grace; indulgence; mercy; willingness to forgive; apology; conciliation; reconciliation; appeasement; forbearance; satisfaction; propitiation; pacification; compassionate; merciful; clement; magnanimous; generous; conciliatory; lenient; charitable; humane; sparing; patient; kindhearted; reconcilable; rebels; rebellions; wanderers; forgivenesses; fathers; pardons; excuses; releases; bears; justifications; respites; memories; graces; indulgences; mercies; reconciliations; forbearances; satisfactions; patients

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