Jesus spoke much about debts and debtors
Jesus spoke much about debts and debtors

Jesus spoke much about debts and debtors, and the need for us to show mercy and forgiveness to those less fortunate.

debt; debtor; mercy; merciful; mercifully; kindly; forgive; forgives; forgave; forgiving; forgiven; forgiveness; condoning; goodwill; gratuitous; kind; lenient; gentle; tender; gracious; feeling; compassionate; clement; kind-hearted; pitiful; sympathetic; humane; soft-hearted; forbearing; pity; charity; humanity; indulgence; toleration; tolerance; favor; mildness; lenience; pardon; benignity; grace; benevolence; blessing; easy; sparing; commiseration; exorable; moderate; touched; loving-kindness; longsuffering; remit; absolve; acquit; excuse; except; cancel; release; overlook; clear; exculpate; exonerate; free; condone; dismiss from the mind; palliate; let pass; forget; relent; bear; no malice; bury the hatchet; turn the other cheek; blot out offenses; wipe the slate clean; reprieve; reinstated; taken back; welcomed home; absolution; acquittal; remission; dispensation; extenuation; quittance; justification; amnesty; respite; memory; willingness to forgive; apology; conciliation; reconciliation; appeasement; forbearance; satisfaction; propitiation; pacification; compassionate; magnanimous; generous; conciliatory; charitable; patient; kindhearted; reconcilable; debts; debtors; mercies; forgivenesses; kinds; tenders; feelings; pities; charities; humanities; indulgences; favors; pardons; graces; blessings; moderates; excuses; releases; bears; justifications; respites; memories; reconciliations; forbearances; satisfactions; patients

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Jesus spoke much about debts and debtors
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