The Pharisees and Sadducees
The Pharisees and Sadducees

The Pharisees and Sadducees, religious leaders of Jesus' time, were always showing hatred and antagonism toward Him. Partly, they were jealous, afraid that people would follow Him instead of them. Partly, they could not believe He was the Messiah because they looked for a powerful national figure.

jesus; pharisees; sadducees; religious leaders; messiah; national figure; hatred; hate; hates; hated; hating; hater; hater's; haters'; hateful; hatefully; hatefulness; bother; grievance; gripe; irritant; nuisance; trouble; deprecate; disapprove; mean; distasteful; distressing; contemptible; despicable; foul; infamous; vile; accursed; blasphemous; damnable; unspeakable; abhor; abominate; loathe; detest; dislike; despise; execrate; curse; anathematize; denounce; aversion; detestation; horror; repugnance; repulsion; revulsion; odious; detestable; putrid; revolting; disgusting; nauseating; disagreeable; shocking; uncongenial; repellent; offensive; rotten; sickening; obnoxious; execrable; corrupt; ill will; venom; antipathy; rancor; malevolence; rankling; revenge; malignity; animosity; enmity; scorn; contemn; intensely; be repelled by; bear a grudge against; spurn; shun; resent; reject; deride; disfavor; disliked; unpopular; avoided; condemned; hostility; spite; bad blood; envy; jealousy; coldness; conflict; clashing; discord; alienation; bitterness; dissension; estrangement; irreconciliation; disaffection; vindictiveness; implacability; resentment; wrath; anger; ire; revengefulness; hardness; heartlessness; ruthlessness; disdain; derision; evil; cruelty; rage; fury; grudge; maliciousness; obduracy; avoidance; contempt; foe; provocation; irritation; affront; ignominy; despite; wrong; heartburning; disapproval; displeasure; antagonism; acrimony; haters; grievances; nuisances; troubles; curses; horrors; offensives; venoms; revenges; enmities; disfavors; hostilities; envies; jealousies; conflicts; discords; dissensions; resentments; wraths; evils; cruelties; rages; furies; grudges; foes; provocations; irritations; wrongs; disapprovals; displeasures

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