
Jesus' discples were honored to listen to Him teach daily. Jesus had special teaching for The Twelve, His twelve disciples or apostles (Matthew 9:35--11:1).

jesus; the twelve; twelve disciples; apostles; disciple; Matthew 9:35--11:1; honor; honors; honored; honoring; honorable; honorably; honorableness; teach; teaches; taught; teaching; teacher; teacher's; teachers'; educate; instruct; tutor; train; school; enlighten; indoctrinate; initiate; instill; inform; nurture; discipline; drill; imbue; disseminate; expound; prepare; qualify; coach; prime; illustrate; explain; lecture; direct; edify; guide; show; ground; rear; fit; interpret; develop; form; address to; implant; mold; rehearse; repeat; memorize; accustom; habituate; impart; communicate; preach; propagate; counsel; admonish; persuade; signify; tell; describe; elucidate; unfold; disciples; teachings; teachers; tutors; trains; schools; disciplines; drills; coaches; primes; lectures; guides; shows; grounds; rears; fits; forms; molds; counsels

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