
Thomas, nicknamed The Doubter, and Judas Iscariot, the man who betrayed Jesus--two of Jesus disciples.

thomas; judas iscariot; the doubter; betrayed; betray; betrays; betraying; doubt; doubted; doubting; doubtful; doubtfully; doubtfulness; entrap; desert; renegade; collaborate; apostatize; demonstrate; evidence; evince; manifest; indicate; dubiousness; question; begging; touch-and-go; chancy; insecure; speculative; hazy; unlikely; contingent; iffy; deceive; beguile; bluff; delude; double-cross; allude; juggle; mislead; take in; cross; sell; sell out; reveal; blab; disclose; discover; divulge; give away; spill; tell; uncover; unveil; trap; ensnare; show; lay bear; inform against; expose; let slip; bring to light; blurt out; vent; whisper about; unmask; reveal the secrets of; violate a confidence; deliver into the; hands of the enemy; let down; play false; trick; break faith with; break one's promise; be false-hearted to; commit treason; doubts; deserts; renegades; evidences; manifests; questions; crosses; spills; traps; shows; vents; tricks

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