That morning
That morning

That morning, Joseph had been a hopeless prisoner. That evening, Joseph was governor of all Egypt, with the finest chariot to drive, the most stunning promotion to power in the Bible (Genesis 41:1-45).

joseph; prisoner; power; powerful; powerfully; powerless; birthright; privilege; right; direction; management; bent; turn; gift; talent; Genesis 41:1-45; hopeless; efficacy; strength; vigor; vim; force; forcefulness; energy; potentiality; effectiveness; might; potency; capacity; capability; command; sway; authority; influence; jurisdiction; dominion; susceptibility; government; agency; faculty; caliber; ability; rule; qualification; skill; expertness; dexterity; competence; efficiency; cogency; aptitude; cleverness; ascendancy; superiority; domination; mastery; predominance; ableness; control; supremacy; patronage; sovereignty; leadership; prestige; prerogative; string; function; arm; sinew; muscle; stamina; preponderance; regency; law; authorization; absolutism; endowment; compulsion; coercion; duress; dynamism; drive; vitality; solidity; mettle; enablement; warrant; weight; potentate; sovereign; monarch; ruler; lord; despot; autocrat; overlord; majesty; strong; mighty; forceful; forcible; potent; almighty; superhuman; omnipotent; great; invincible; dominant; influential; overruling; compelling; prevailing; pre-eminent; commanding; supreme; highest; important; authoritarian; charismatic; paramount; robust; stalwart; sturdy; efficacious; effectual; convincing; vigorous; able-bodied; hardy; husky; manly; virile; stout; irresistible; unconquerable; impregnable; indomitable; valiant; valorous; incisive; emphatic; conclusive; prisoners; powers; birthrights; privileges; rights; directions; managements; turns; gifts; talents; strengths; forces; energies; capacities; commands; influences; dominions; governments; faculties; rules; qualifications; skills; dexterities; efficiencies; controls; patronages; strings; arms; sinews; muscles; laws; endowments; compulsions; drives; vitalities; warrants; weights; potentates; sovereigns; monarchs; rulers; lords; despots; majesties; huskies

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