Jacob ![]() Before his death, Jacob or Israel blessed his sons. But some of the blessings were not positive statements about their future (Genesis 49). jacob; death; dying; dead; dies; died; bless; blesses; blessed; blessing; godspeed; valediction; Genesis 49; consecrate; hallow; sanctify; praise; celebrate; eulogize; extol; glorify; laud; magnify; endow; bestow; provide; grant; commend to god; pray for; anoint with oil; give a blessing; baptize; canonize; honor; dedicate; make holy; pronounce holy; absolve; ordain; commend; confirm; joyous; glad; content; saved; redeemed; beatified; holy; spiritual; religious; sacred; boon; benefit; good; advantage; help; asset; good fortune; stroke; of luck; godsend; windfall; miracle; benediction; approbation; approval; favor; deaths; blessings; praises; grants; contents; boons; goods; helps; strokes; windfalls; miracles; favors Bible Hub |