Esau had hunted for hours without success
Esau had hunted for hours without success

Esau had hunted for hours without success, so he was hungry. When he smelled Jacob's lentil stew he wanted it at any cost, even the cost of his birthright (Genesis 25).

esau; jacob; Genesis 25; temptation; tempt; tempts; tempted; tempting; tempter; tempters; tempter's; tempters'; lure; allure; bait; decoy; entice; entrap; inveigle; lead on; seduce; train; fascinate; appeal to; induce; intrigue; incite; provoke; charm; captivate; stimulate; move; motivate; rouse; instigate; wheedle; coax; attract; tantalize; dispose; incline; prompt; invite; pull; solicit; sway; win over; bewitch; magnetize; hypnotize; goad; prick; try; essay; allurement; come-on; snare; trap; fancy; hankering; provocation; yen; bribe; incentive; stimulus; appetite; stomach; hunger; thirst; keenness; longing; aspiration; yearning; itch; lust; craving; ardor; propensity; relish; fondness; love; liking; desire; covetousness; avidity; voracity; cupidity; mania; glamour; spell; blandishment; cajolery; influence; dictate; impulse; insistence; press; exhortation; seducer; charmer; inveigler; siren; prompter; coaxer; instigator; inciter; vampire; enchanter; enchantress; temptress; solicitor; firebrand; incendiary; libertine; rake; voluptuary; devil; satan; lucifer; the evil one; the old serpent; prince of darkness; beelzebub; abaddon; belial; the fallen angel; angel of the bottomless pit; fetching; luring; appetizing; attractive; intriguing; rousing; mouth-watering; thrilling; stirring; inviting; desirable; sensational; overwhelming; overpowering; stimulating; piquant; electrifying; winsome; engaging; ravishing; luscious; delicious; delectable; temptations; lures; decoys; trains; intrigues; moves; inclines; pulls; goads; pricks; tries; essays; snares; traps; fancies; provocations; yens; bribes; incentives; stimuli; stomachs; hungers; longings; yearnings; itches; propensities; relishes; loves; desires; manias; spells; influences; impulses; insistences; presses; sirens; enchantresses; firebrands; rakes; devils; satans

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