Isaac's servants dug several wells
Isaac's servants dug several wells

Isaac's servants dug several wells, but each time Philistines filled them in or stole them. At last they dug a well and were able to keep it. Isaac believed that peace was better than conflict or war (Genesis 26).

isaac; philistines; well; water; Genesis 26; peace; peacefully; peace-filled; peace-loving; peaceably; peaceful; peacemaker; peacemakers; peacemaker's; peacemakers'; peacekeeper; peacekeepers; peacekeeper's; peacekeepers'; argue; argues; argued; arguing; argument; arguments; amicable; neighborly; complaisant; collected; cool; constant; placate; appeaser; analyze; investigate; review; sift; study; ventilate; expostulate; object; protest; remonstrate; dissent; balk; clash; conflict; basis; foundation; position; posture; stance; standpoint; argumentation; disputation; squabbling; fuss; hassle; proposition; statement; thesis; calm; repose; tranquility; order; pacification; conciliation; reconciliation; concord; harmony; quiet; amity; contentment; agreement; sympathy; union; unity; fraternalism; fraternization; unanimity; equanimity; concordance; calmness; congeniality; silence; stillness; hush; lull; rest; love; brotherhood; friendship; armistice; truce; neutrality; interlude; respite; abeyance; treaty; term; cartel; settlement; olive branch; compromise; arbitration; cordiality; good will; symphony; rapport; fellowship; compatibility; like-mindedness; understanding; cooperation; compliance; affinity; oneness; conformity; adaptability; placidity; imperturbability; quiescence; serenity; comfort; forbearance; patience; resignation; nonresistance; quietude; serene; balmy; conciliatory; pacific; gentle; mild; equable; meek; unexcitable; restrained; clement; sober; lenient; unruffled; kindly; inoffensive; moderate; civil; good-tempered; amiable; noncombative; tolerant; long-suffering; lamblike; forgiving; bland; temperate; well-disposed; patient; harmless; orderly; nonviolent; sociable; composed; inactive; passive; ease; untroubled; harmonious; concordant; comfortable; unwarlike; silent; mediator; intercessor; pacifier; interceder; intervener; go-between; arbiter; arbitrator; pacificator; dove; umpire; referee; negotiator; ambassador; propitiator; reconciler; intermediary; peacemonger; dispute; debate; differ; discuss; reason; contest; battle; wrangle; plead; appeal; explain; justify; elucidate; present; show; support; contend; oppose; demonstrate; establish; join issue; have it out; put up an argument; bicker over; fight; labor a point; cross verbal swords; disagree; question; quibble; induce; bring around; convince; persuade; prevail on or upon; procure; prompt; talk into; win over; attest; testify; witness; ground; proof; contention; controversy; motive; point; text; theme; topic; discussion; exchange; evidence; exhibit; quarrel; wells; waters; reviews; studies; objects; protests; dissents; clashes; conflicts; foundations; positions; postures; standpoints; fusses; propositions; statements; reposes; orders; reconciliations; concords; harmonies; contentments; sympathies; unions; silences; lulls; rests; loves; friendships; truces; respites; treaties; terms; settlements; olive branches; compromises; symphonies; fellowships; understandings; serenities; comforts; forbearances; resignations; moderates; patients; doves; umpires; ambassadors; disputes; debates; reasons; contests; battles; presents; shows; supports; fights; questions; witnesses; grounds; proofs; contentions; controversies; motives; points; texts; themes; topics; discussions; exchanges; evidences; exhibits; quarrels

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Isaac was suspicious when Jacob deceived him
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