
Esau turns to wave to his brother Jacob as they part ways. After twenty years of hostility, the twin brothers are now reconciled, forgiving each other for past sins (Genesis 33).

esau; jacob; twin; Genesis 33; brother; forgive; forgives; forgave; forgiving; forgiven; forgiveness; pardon; remit; absolve; acquit; excuse; except; cancel; release; overlook; clear; exculpate; exonerate; free; condone; dismiss from the mind; palliate; let pass; forget; relent; bear; no malice; bury the hatchet; turn the other cheek; blot out offenses; wipe the slate clean; reprieve; reinstated; taken back; welcomed home; absolution; acquittal; remission; dispensation; extenuation; quittance; justification; amnesty; respite; memory; grace; indulgence; mercy; willingness to forgive; apology; conciliation; reconciliation; appeasement; forbearance; satisfaction; propitiation; pacification; compassionate; merciful; clement; magnanimous; generous; conciliatory; lenient; charitable; humane; sparing; patient; kindhearted; reconcilable; twins; brothers; forgivenesses; pardons; excuses; releases; bears; justifications; respites; memories; graces; indulgences; mercies; reconciliations; forbearances; satisfactions; patients

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