Abraham lied twice about his wife Sarah
Abraham lied twice about his wife Sarah

Abraham lied twice about his wife Sarah, each time telling the half-lie, half-truth, that Sarah was his sister. The Philistine king Abimelech, like the Egptian Pharaoh, tried to take her as his wife, but God warned him not to touch her (Genesis 20).

abimelech; philistine; philistine king; abraham; sarah; Genesis 20; half-lie; half-truth; sister; brother; lie; lied; lying; liar; liar's; liars'; deceitfulness; dishonesty; distortion; mendacity; flam; husband; wife; falsifier; fibber; fibster; perjurer; prevaricator; storyteller; false witness; deceiver; dissimulator; romancer; maligner; deluder; trickster; cheat; misleader; equivocator; fabricator; palter; falsehood; inveracity; misrepresentation; misstatement; tale; untruth; fiction; hyperbole; fraudulence; inaccuracy; myth; fable; deceptiveness; subterfuge; defamation; detraction; calumny; fabrication; deception; slander; backbiting; aspersion; revilement; vilification; libel; forgery; guile; evasion; deceit; misguide; misinform; exaggerate; concoct; forswear; pervert; malign; invent; beguile; invention; concealment; gloss; spin; fake; doctor; varnish; dupe; fool; magnify; enlarge; hoax; betray; stretch; strain; sisters; brothers; lies; liars; dishonesties; wives; cheats; falsehoods; tales; fictions; inaccuracies; myths; fables; deceptions; slanders; deceits; inventions; concealments; glosses; spins; fakes; doctors; varnishes; dupes; fools; strains

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At Sarah's demand
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