
Abraham's servant Eliezer gave rich gifts to Rebekah, telling her and her father and brother how God had led him to find a bride for Abraham's son Isaac (Genesis 24:50-54).

rebekah; eliezer; bethuel; laban; Genesis 24:50-54; gift; gift; gifted; gifting; alms; ability; instinct; forte; leaning; propensity; specialty; presentation; donation; benefaction; largess; grant; gratuity; boon; present; endowment; bequest; bounty; charity; provision; legacy; bequeathment; favor; bestowal; bestowment; benevolence; kindness; liberality; support; maintenance; award; reward; dispensation; oblation; libation; offering; token; remembrance; subsidy; tribute; contribution; ration; benefit; allowance; gifts; instincts; propensities; specialties; presentations; donations; grants; boons; presents; endowments; bounties; charities; provisions; legacies; favors; kindnesses; supports; maintenances; rewards; offerings; tokens; remembrances; tributes; contributions; rations

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