
When Adam and Eve obeyed Satan instead of God, God sent them from the Garden of Eden and posted an angelic being at the doorway of Eden to prevent them from entering it again (Genesis 3).

adam; eve; garden of eden; Genesis 3; obey; obeys; obeyed; obeying; obedient; obediently; obedience; sheeplike; subservient; bow; defer; satisfy; compliant; dutiful; submissive; respectful; law-abiding; loyal; faithful; devoted; resigned; passive; subjective; pliant; acquiescent; yielding; conformable; prostrate; cringing; submitting; surrendering; amenable; governable; tractable; complaisant; controllable; attentive; obliging; willing; deferential; honoring; venerating; biddable; docile; obeisance; allegiance; observant; supple; conform; comply; submit; answer; respond; assent; accede; concur; surrender; yield; act; perform; carry out; attend to orders; come at call; do one's bidding; serve; bow to; accept; accord; consent; mind; take orders; fulfill; agree; reconcile; adjust; accommodate to; adopt; own; abide by; hold fast; embrace; practice; adhere or conform to; exercise; follow; heed; discharge; listen; acknowledge; resign; execute; eves; bows; surrenders; yields; consents; minds; embraces; practices; exercises; discharges

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