
Noah brought two of each kind of animal on board the ark so they would be safe from the great flood..

animal; pair; safety; safe; safer; safest; safely; shielding; unassailable; unharmed; unscathed; riskless; secure; healthy; wholesome; cautious; calculating; careful; circumspect; considerate; discreet; guarded; wary; protected; housed; unmolested; impregnable; saved; safeguarded; defended; supported; sustained; maintained; upheld; preserved; shielded; fostered; cherished; watched; supervised; tended; attended; innocent; trustworthy; dependable; competent; unexposed; guaranteed; intact; kept; unhurt; undamaged; alive; unbroken; well; hale; conservative; timid; prudent; suspicious; sure; faithful; steady; sound; fixed; solid; established; legitimate; honest; unerring; valid; infallible; firm; stable; certain; rooted; unfailing; unchangeable; authoritative; substantial; incorruptible; upright; scrupulous; honorable; authentic; constant; preservation; refuge; surety; exemption; sanctuary; harbor; anchorage; shelter; custody; immunity; salvation; covert; concealment; cover; escape; impunity; assurance; animals; pairs; safeties; safes; wells; sounds; stables; preservations; refuges; sureties; sanctuaries; harbors; shelters; immunities; salvations; concealments; covers; escapes; impunities

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