Jesus' worst enemies were not the Romans
Jesus' worst enemies were not the Romans

Jesus' worst enemies were not the Romans, but the Pharisees and teachers of the law, who hated Jesus because he claimed to be God's Son.

pharisees; teacher; enemy; enmity; jesus; foe; rival; antagonist; adversary; opponent; attacker; detractor; backbiter; informer; calumniator; falsifier; competitor; slanderer; vilifier; defamer; traducer; asperser; defiler; criminal; opposition; saboteur; spy; assassin; murderer; betrayer; traitor; inquisitor; disputant; assailant; villain; rebel; teachers; enemies; enmities; foes; rivals; opponents; competitors; criminals; oppositions; spies; murderers; traitors; villains; rebels

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Jesus' worst enemies were not the Romans
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