Jesus told a parable about a Good Samaritan
Jesus told a parable about a Good Samaritan

Jesus told a parable about a Good Samaritan, hated by the Jewish people, but willing to help a Jewish man wounded by robbers -- Luke 10:25--11:13.

good samaritan; parable; jesus; prejudice; Luke 10:25--11:13; wounded; help; helped; helping; helpful; helpfully; helpfulness; helpless; helper; helper's; helpers'; assist; aid; succor; relieve; support; uphold; sustain; second; encourage; advise; befriend; abet; foster; cooperate; nurture; nourish; maintain; prop; incite; instigate; countenance; favor; benefit; stand by; intercede for; comfort; hand; lift; relief; assistant; attendant; benefactor; improve; ameliorate; amend; better; good; advantageous; beneficial; brave; favorable; favoring; propitious; toward; useful; advice; cooperation; guidance; maintenance; sustenance; nourishment; patronize; accommodate; work for; back up; bolster; cheer; promote; endorse; sanction; back; advocate; parables; prejudices; helps; helpers; supports; seconds; props; countenances; favors; comforts; hands; lifts; goods; maintenances; sustenances; nourishments; cheers; sanctions; backs

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Jesus told a parable about a Good Samaritan
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