
Paul and Barnabas are rejected at Antioch of Pisidia. The jealous Jewish leaders turned the people against them for preaching about Jesus -- Acts 13:13--14:7.

paul; barnabas; antioch; pisidia; Acts 13:13--14:7; leader; preaching; rejected; reject; rejects; rejecting; rejection; decline; disapprove; dismiss; refuse; reprobate; repudiate; spurn; turn down; discard; cashier; cast; jettison; junk; scrap; shed; slough; throw away; throw out; renounce; expel; eject; ejaculate; remove; exclude; preclude; abandon; maroon; forswear; forbear; ignore; abnegate; oust; dislodge; boycott; eliminate; prohibit; forbid; proscribe; forsake; banish; overrule; relegate; excise; extirpate; extract; uproot; eradicate; exterminate; discredit; disallow; scout; disbelieve; repel; rebuff; deny; veto; interdict; slight; despise; detest; disdain; disbar; bar; negate; discountenance; disown; disinherit; abhor; ostracize; waive; exempt; oppose; gainsay; traverse; impugn; belie; disaffirm; challenge; contemn; flout; revile; snub; mock; jeer at; gibe; neglect; dodge; leaders; rejections; discards; cashiers; casts; junks; scraps; sheds; extracts; scouts; rebuffs; vetoes; slights; bars; challenges; snubs; gibes

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