
The Pharisees condemned Jesus for working on the Sabbath, such as healing a person, or letting his disciples eat some grain from a field -- Matthew 12:1-8.

pharisees; jesus; working; condemn; condemns; condemned; condemning; condemnation; belittle; decry; depreciate; disparage; sabbath; Matthew 12:1-8; disciple; grain; field; convict; doom; denounce; censure; blame; reprove; reprobate; sentence; criticize; denunciate; knock; rap; reprehend; skin; damn; proscribe; adjudge; pass sentence on; find; guilty; seal the doom of; pronounce judgment; prescribe punishment; judge; rebuke; express strong disapproval of; cry out; rail at; execrate; curse; excommunicate; prohibit; veto; ban; outlaw; strong censure; reproof; disapprobation; reprobation; disapproval; reproach; reprehension; invective; denunciation; vituperation; banning; anathema; damnation; excommunication; condemnations; sabbaths; disciples; grains; fields; convicts; dooms; sentences; raps; skins; finds; judges; rebukes; curses; vetoes; outlaws; reproofs; disapprovals; reproaches

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Pharisees wore phylacteries
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