When Job suffers
When Job suffers

When Job suffers, his friends do not do well to comfort him, but Job remains faithful to God -- The Book of Job.

job; suffer; suffers; suffered; suffering; sufferer; sufferers; sufferer's; sufferers'; comfort; comforted; comforting; brighten; mitigate; relieve; renew; restore; reassure; commiserate; condole; sympathize; consolation; solace; encouragement; support; help; aid; assistance; succor; alleviation; relief; assuagement; cheer; condolence; grieve with; compassionate; share with; gladden; uphold; hearten; sustain; confirm; refresh; soothe; allay; help one in need; lighten one's burden; calm; revive; nourish; bolster up; salve; invigorate; lighten; soften; warm; respite; serenity; composure; easement; rest; rescue; peace; prayer; tranquility; quiet after storm; freedom from pain; freedom from anxiety; lifting a burden; deliverance; amelioration; balm in gilead; restorative; help in trouble; help in need; well-being; sufficiency; abundance; plenty; contentment; relaxation; repose; poise; happiness; cheering; encouraging; inspiriting; invigorating; health-giving; warming; solacing; consoling; sustaining; reassuring; refreshing; upholding; succoring; relieving; soothing; assuaging; lightening; mitigating; alleviating; allaying; abating; softening; remedying; curing; restoring; releasing; freeing; revitalizing; revivifying; tranquilizing; jobs; sufferings; comforts; consolations; solaces; encouragements; supports; helps; cheers; salves; respites; serenities; composures; rests; rescues; prayers; deliverances; well-beings; contentments; relaxations; reposes

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