Abishai tries to kill Saul
Abishai tries to kill Saul

Abishai tries to kill Saul, but David stops him, showing David's kindness -- 1 Samuel 26.

david; abishai; saul; 1 Samuel 26; kind; kinder; kindly; kindness; benevolent; good; affectionate; loving; caring; beneficent; generous; charitable; amiable; gracious; cordial; obliging; indulgent; warm-hearted; kind-hearted; humane; good-intentioned; well-meaning; well-meant; fatherly; motherly; brotherly; sisterly; paternal; maternal; fraternal; merciful; friendly; sympathetic; considerate; accommodating; soft-hearted; tender; benign; benignant; good-hearted; courtesy; dispensation; service; heedful; thoughtful; careful; pleasant; soft; compassionate; understanding; solicitous; sweet; compliant; helpful; neighborly; noble-minded; delicate; tactful; gentle; tenderhearted; good-natured; inoffensive; altruistic; lenient; acquiescent; easy-going; patient; tolerant; mellow; genial; sensitive; courteous; agreeable; assisting; willing; mild; unselfish; forbearing; warm; pitying; polite; devoted; gallant; good-mannered; civil; unhostile; bounteous; conciliatory; winsome; philanthropic; humanitarian; unhardened; temperate; touched; moved; fond; kinds; kindnesses; goods; tenders; courtesies; services; understandings; patients

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