
Samson killls a lion with his bare hands -- Judges 14

samson; lion; Judges 14; kills; kill; killed; killing; killer; killer's; killers'; strength; strengthen; strengthens; strengthened; strengthening; power; arm; energy; force; might; muscle; potency; stability; firmness; security; soundness; stableness; steadiness; substance; body; burden; core; gist; meat; pith; purport; sense; vigor; brawn; nerve; vitality; stoutness; health; toughness; sturdiness; hardiness; stalwartness; tenacity; robustness; durability; depth; concentration; fervor; stamina; endurance; dynamic; boldness; efficiency; capacity; ability; faculty; competence; endowment; courage; fortitude; spirit; resolution; determination; mettle; pluck; audacity; bravery; fearlessness; greatness; sway; control; dominance; predominance; pre-eminence; superiority; prominence; consequence; distinction; eminence; precedence; transcendence; importance; prestige; ascendancy; dignity; jurisdiction; excellence; significance; command; dominion; majesty; efficacy; wisdom; justice; reliability; dependability; trustworthiness; rigor; steel; adamant; temper; imperviousness; immutability; support; stay; anchor; rock; help; aid; succor; mainstay; sustenance; buttress; brace; prop; sustainer; strong; reinforcement; intensify; add; invigorate; fortify; encourage; confirm; increase; multiply; empower; harden; reactivate; stimulate; sustain; animate; reanimate; restore; refresh; recover; hearten; establish; toughen; rejuvenate; stiffen; sharpen; enliven; substantiate; uphold; back; augment; enlarge; extend; mount; rise; ascend; wax; grow; cheer; embolden; enhearten; inspirit; reinforce; gird; prepare; ready; nourish; improve; revive; mend; heal; recuperate; lions; killers; strengths; powers; arms; energies; forces; muscles; stabilities; securities; substances; bodies; burdens; cores; meats; piths; purports; senses; nerves; vitalities; tenacities; depths; concentrations; fervors; endurances; efficiencies; capacities; faculties; endowments; fortitudes; spirits; resolutions; determinations; greatnesses; controls; prominences; consequences; distinctions; eminences; dignities; significances; commands; dominions; majesties; wisdoms; justices; rigors; steels; tempers; supports; stays; anchors; rocks; helps; mainstays; sustenances; buttresses; braces; props; reinforcements; increases; backs; mounts; rises; waxes; cheers

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