Moses speaks to the Israelites
Moses speaks to the Israelites

Moses speaks to the Israelites, asking them for donations to make the tabernacle, and they give generously -- Exodus 35--40.

moses; israelites; tabernacle; donation; Exodus 35--40; gift; gifted; gifting; generous; generosity; generously; beneficent; noble; honorable; bountiful; liberal; free; munificent; open-handed; open-hearted; free-handed; free-hearted; magnanimous; unselfish; chivalrous; charitable; philanthropic; hospitable; princely; free-giving; unrestricted; unstinted; ungrudging; extravagant; effusive; abundant; rich; plentiful; ample; copious; overflowing; plethoric; altruistic; indulgent; humane; humanitarian; cordial; obliging; accommodating; considerate; big-hearted; lofty; goodness; well-wishing; donation; grant; present; gratuity; largess; good will; unsparing; readiness in giving; charity; profusion; large; excellent; tabernacles; donations; gifts; liberals; grants; presents; charities; profusions

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