Parable of the vineyard workers
Parable of the vineyard workers

Parable of the vineyard workers. A story about what is fair -- Matthew 20:1-16.

vineyard; worker; fair; fairly; fair-minded; fairness; Matthew 20:1-16; laborer; farm; farming; agriculture; open; frank; honest; impartial; candid; just; reasonable; moderate; honorable; decent; civil; beautiful; nice; equitable; upright; dispassionate; equal; impersonal; indifferent; nondiscriminatory; non-partisan; objective; square; unbiased; uncolored; unprejudiced; clean; sportsmanlike; scrupulous; amiable; generous; sincere; manly; straightforward; lawful; legitimate; virtuous; temperate; pious; godly; courteous; blameless; sterling; uncorrupted; principled; dutiful; praiseworthy; respectable; benevolent; above-board; tried; trustworthy; meet; due; fit; appropriate; regular; orderly; straight; not bad; up to standard; ordinary; usual; common; right; commonplace; placid; tranquil; unthreatening; even-handed; proper; passable; tolerable; reasonably good; propitious; probity; justice; integrity; equity; impartiality; justness; veracity; uprightness; principle; rectitude; honesty; faith; honor; good faith; candor; equitable treatment; fair play; decency; charity; charitableness; moderation; consideration; decorum; propriety; courtesy; rationality; humanity; rightness; goodness; seemliness; suitability; open-mindedness; just dealing; good sense; fair treatment; merit; seeing justice done; legitimacy; legality; rightfulness; lawfulness; blamelessness; vineyards; workers; fairs; laborers; farms; agricultures; moderates; equals; objectives; squares; dues; fits; regulars; rights; justices; equities; principles; faiths; charities; considerations; proprieties; courtesies; humanities; merits

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