
When Jesus' hometown Nazareth rejected him, he moved to Capernaum, an important village on the shores of the Sea of Galilee. Here Jesus called Mathew to leave his tax collection business and follow him. A high government official or nobleman lived here (John 4:46) and Jesus healed his son; a Roman centurion, commander of 100 soldiers, lived here and Jesus healed his servant. Jesus did many other miracles in Capernaum. Many wonderful archaeological antiquities have been found here. A large basin found in the synagogue.

capernaum; galilee; israel; sea; galilee; matthew; official; nobleman; son; heal; healed; heals; healing; miracle; roman; centurion; soldier; servant; commander; basin; ruin; remains; archaeology; antiquity; seas; officials; sons; miracles; romans; soldiers; servants; commanders; basins; ruins

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