
On the Sunday that Jesus arose from the dead, Cleopas and another disciple talked with him as they walked on the road to Emmaus (Luke 24). The location of Emmaus is uncertain, although several sites are possibilities. Two traditional sites are shown on this web site, el-Kubeibeh, also spelled el-Qubeibeh, and Imwas, also spelled Amwas. Imwas is twenty miles from Jerusalem, farther than the biblical description. The site in this image is of el-Kubeibeh, with Nebi Samwil, the place of Samuel's tomb, in the background.

emmaus; israel; judea; jesus; cleopas; resurrection; Luke 24; el-kubeibeh; el-qubeibeh; imwas; amwas; nebi; samwil; samuel; tomb; burial; death; dying; resurrections; tombs; burials; deaths

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