
The turkey sets Thanksgiving apart from all other holiday feasts. The bird remains closely tied to the New World and American history. Benjamin Franklin actually preferred it to the bald eagle as our national emblem. Wild and domesticated turkeys were a common fixture in colonial life when the first Thanksgiving feasts were introduced in early 17th century Plimoth, Massachusetts.
Thanksgiving is a time to be thankful and give praise to God for all the blessings He has bestowed on us.

turkey; fowl; bird; animal; dish; thanksgiving; giving; thanks; thankful; public celebration; holiday; acknowledgment; divine; favor; kindness; grateful; gratitude; family; friend; blessing; consecration; grace; praise; fall; thanksgivings; celebrations; holidays; favors; kindnesses; families; friends; blessings; graces; praises; birds; animals; mccoy-avd; mcc thanksgiving

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