Italy Appian Way-Arco Di Druso.
Italy Appian Way-Arco Di Druso.

Italy Appian Way-Arco Di Druso.
Before coming to the Porta di S. Sebastiano, that spans the Via Appia Antica, there is an Arch named after Druso, which dates back to the beginning of the third century A. D., in fact it was built between 211 and 216 with a monumental barrel-vault in order to let the aqueduct that fed the thermal baths of Caracalla to cross the Via Appia. At one time the monument consisted of three barrel-vaults, today there remains only the central one, adorned on the external face by 2 columns of ancient yellow marble.

appian; way; road; highway; transportation; roman; rome; italy; commerce; culture; antiquity; archaeology; arco; di; druso; ruin; ways; roads; highways; transportations; romans; cultures; ruins

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