Genesis 26:15
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Genesis 26:15 So the Philistines took dirt and stopped up all the wells that his father's servants had dug in the days of his father Abraham.

BSB:  So the Philistines took dirt and stopped up all the wells that his father's servants had dug in the days of his father Abraham.
KJV:  For all the wells which his father's servants had digged in the days of Abraham his father, the Philistines had stopped them, and filled them with earth.
DRB:  Stopped up at that time all the wells, that the servants of his father Abraham had digged, filling them up with earth:
DBT:  And all the wells that his father's servants had dug in the days of Abraham his father, the Philistines stopped them and filled them with earth.
ERV:  Now all the wells which his father's servants had digged in the days of Abraham his father, the Philistines had stopped them, and filled them with earth.
WBT:  For all the wells which his father's servants had digged in the days of Abraham his father, the Philistines had stopped them, and filled them with earth.
WEB:  Now all the wells which his father’s servants had dug in the days of Abraham his father, the Philistines had stopped, and filled with earth.
YLT:  and all the wells which his father's servants digged in the days of Abraham his father, the Philistines have stopped them, and fill them with dust.
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Genesis 26:14
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