Dictionary of Bible Themes Galatians 3:13 1513 Trinity, mission of 1680 types 2324 Christ, as Saviour 2414 cross, centrality 2530 Christ, death of 4528 trees 4906 abolition 5281 crucifixion 5289 debt 5322 gallows 5331 hanging 5360 justice, God 5485 punishment, legal aspects 5564 suffering, of Christ 5879 humiliation 6027 sin, remedy for 6661 freedom, and law 6752 substitution 7346 death penalty 8756 folly, examples 8774 legalism Galatians 3:2-14 5110 Paul, teaching of Galatians 3:6-14 7512 Gentiles, in NT Galatians 3:10-13 2411 cross, predictions Galatians 3:10-14 5380 law, and gospel 8022 faith, basis of salvation Galatians 3:13-14 1315 God, as redeemer 2321 Christ, as redeemer 5402 market 5827 curse 6617 atonement, in NT 6678 justification, Christ's work 6679 justification, results 6723 redemption, NT 7388 kinsman-redeemer Galatians 3:13-16 1352 covenant, the new |