Dictionary of Bible Themes
Acts 1:8 1105 God, power of
2021 Christ, faithfulness
2066 Christ, power of
2422 gospel, confirmation
2427 gospel, transmission
3030 Holy Spirit, power
3035 Holy Spirit, presence of
3130 Holy Spirit, Counsellor
3212 Holy Spirit, and mission
3242 Holy Spirit, baptism with
3257 Holy Spirit, gift of
3275 Holy Spirit, in the church
3296 Holy Spirit, in the world
4029 world, human beings in
4804 breath
5053 responsibility, for world
5263 communication
5457 power, human
5624 witnesses, to Christ
5776 achievement
5957 strength, spiritual
6670 grace, and Holy Spirit
7027 church, purpose
7142 people of God, NT
7560 Samaritans, the
7622 disciples, characteristics
7708 apostles, function
7725 evangelists, identity
7726 evangelists, ministry
7740 missionaries, call
7742 missionaries, support
7755 preaching, importance
7760 preachers, responsibilities
7950 mission, of Christ
7953 mission, of church
7967 spiritual gifts, responsibility
8203 character
8426 evangelism, motivation
8496 witnessing, importance
8498 witnessing, and Holy Spirit
8848 worldliness
Acts 1:4-9
7241 Jerusalem, significance
Acts 1:5-8
3040 Holy Spirit, promise of
Acts 1:6-8
2376 kingdom of God, coming
7259 promised land, later history
Acts 1:7-8
1170 God, unity of
Acts 1:7-9
2565 Christ, second coming