Willmington's Bible at a Glance Mark at a Glance This book records the earthly life of Jesus. It begins with His baptism and concludes with His ascension. Bottom Line Introduction A SPECIAL REPORT TO THE ROMANS: WHO IS JESUS CHRIST? HE IS THE LOWLY SERVANT. This report was prepared by Mark the preacher. Facts Regarding the Author of this Book 1. Who? Mark. He was a missionary evangelist in spite of an initial failure (compare Acts 13:13 with 2 Tim. 4:11) 2. What? The book of Mark 3. When and where? 60 A.D., from Rome (?) 4. Why? To present Christ as God’s obedient servant 5. To whom? The Romans KEY EVENTS (with chapter reference) 1. Ministry of John the Baptist; baptism and temptation of Jesus; calling of the four fishermen; healing of Peter’s mother-in-law 2. Healing of a paralytic; call of Levi (Matthew) 3. Choosing of the twelve; warning in regards to the unpardonable sin 4. Parables (sower, seed, and soil, etc.) relating to the Kingdom of Heaven; stilling the wind and the sea 5. Maniac of Gadara delivered; healing of a woman with an issue of blood; raising of Jairus’ daughter 6. Visit by Jesus to Nazareth; sending out of the twelve; martyrdom of John the Baptist; feeding of the 5000; walking on the water 7. Delivering of a demon-possessed girl 8. Feeding of the 4000; healing of a blind man in Bethsaida; hearing Peter’s confession 9. Transfiguration of Jesus; delivering of a demon-possessed boy; dialogues on true greatness, sectarianism, and hell 10. Dialogue on divorce; little children blessed; meeting with the rich young ruler; request by James and John; healing of blind Bartimaeus 10. Triumphal entry; cursing of fig tree; second temple cleansing; confrontation with the Pharisees 12. Parable of the vineyard owner; condemnation of the Pharisees; commending the poor widow 13. The Mount Olivet Discourse; parable of the fig tree 14. Anointing by Mary in Bethany; events in the Upper Room; prayers and arrest in Gethsemane; trial before the Sanhedrin; denials by Peter 15. Trial before Pilate; scourging, crucifixion, death, and burial of Jesus 16. Resurrection and ascension of Jesus Key Individuals 1. John the Baptist, one of Scripture’s greatest men who served as Jesus’ forerunner, then both introduced and baptized Him, later being murdered by Herod Antipas for his fearless preaching 2. Simon Peter, brother of Andrew and chief spokesman of the twelve apostles 3. Andrew, brother of Peter whom he brought to Christ and an apostle of the Savior 4. James, brother of John, and the first apostle to suffer martyrdom (Acts 12:2) 5. John, brother of James, apostle of Jesus, and author of five New Testament books 6. Peter’s mother-in-law, faithful believer who was healed of a raging fever in her home at Capernaum 7. A paralytic, brought by four friends and lowered through a roof that Jesus might heal him 8. Matthew (also called Levi), a tax collector, called by Jesus to be an apostle and who later would author the Gospel of Matthew 9. Maniac of Gadara, desperate man possessed of a legion of demons who was delivered by Jesus 10. Woman with a 12-year issue of blood, who was healed by touching the hem of Jesus’ garment 11. Jairus, ruler of a Jewish synagogue and heartbroken father whose 12-year old dead daughter was raised by Jesus 12. James, Joses, Judas, and Simon, younger half-brothers of Jesus 13. Herod Antipas, son of Herod the Great who ordered the death of John the Baptist and before whom Jesus stood trial just prior to His crucifixion (Lk. 23:7) 14. Herodias, wicked wife of Herod Antipas who successfully plotted the murder of John the Baptist, aided by her daughter Salome 15. Syrophenician mother, whose wise (and desperate) request to Jesus was rewarded by the healing of her demon-possessed daughter 16. Elijah and Moses, two Old Testament men who appeared and talked with Jesus during His transfiguration 17. Father of a demonic son, whose desperate plea to the Savior was rewarded by the healing of the lad 18. Rich young ruler, Jewish leader who sought eternal life from Jesus but allowed his great wealth to stand in his way 19. Bartimaeus, blind beggar near Jericho who cried out to Jesus for healing and received his sight 20. Poor widow, whose sacrificial temple gift of her last two mites was commended by the watching Savior 21. Mary of Bethany, sister of Martha and Lazarus who anointed the Savior just prior to His crucifixion 22. Judas Iscariot, evil apostle who betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver and then hanged himself (Mt. 27:1-8) 23. Caiaphas, wicked Jewish High Priest who plotted with the Sanhedrin to crucify Jesus 24. Pilate, Roman governor before whom Jesus stood on two occasions during His unfair trials and the man who ordered the Savior to be scourged and crucified 25. Barabbas, an insurrectionist, robber, and murderer whom Pilate released, as demanded by the Jewish rulers instead of the innocent Jesus 26. Simon of Cyrene, the man ordered by the Romans to help Jesus carry His cross to Golgotha 27. Joseph of Arimathaea, wealthy believer who secured the lifeless body of Jesus and placed it in his own new tomb 28. Mary Magdalene, former demon-possessed woman (Lk. 8:2), and the first person to see the resurrected Christ (Jn. 20:1-17) Key Places 1. Judean wilderness: a region along the west side of the Dead Sea where John the Baptist preached his message of repentance 2. Jordan River: body of water connecting the Sea of Galilee in the north with the Dead Sea in the south, used by John the Baptist to baptize his converts 3. Nazareth: a city in Galilee where Jesus lived from age 2 to 30 4. Galilee: the Jewish region north of Samaria which included such towns as Nazareth, Capernaum, Cana, Bethsaida, etc. 5. Wilderness temptation: a desolate area probably southeast of Jericho where Jesus was tempted 6. Sea of Galilee: a lake in the Jordan Valley, some 7 miles wide and 14 miles long, where Jesus performed many miracles 7. Capernaum: a city in Galilee, chosen by Jesus to become His northern headquarters, where He would preach and perform many of His sermons and miracles 8. Tyre and Sidon: cities in Phoenicia near the Mediterranean Sea, whose citizens came in great numbers to hear Jesus preach 9. Jerusalem: capital city of Israel and location of Herod’s temple where Jesus would eventually stand trial, be condemned and, outside its walls, be crucified 10. Gadara: a city located east of the Sea of Galilee where Jesus healed a demon possessed maniac 11. Decapolis: a loose federation of ten cities banded together for trading, located on both sides of the Jordan River 12. Sodom and Gomorrah: two Old Testament cities destroyed by God, referred to by Jesus to illustrate the divine judgment that would fall upon all who would reject His message of repentance 13. Dalmanutha: a place on the west shore of the Sea of Galilee where Jesus warned His disciples in regards to the leaven of the Pharisees 14. Bethsaida: a town on the shore of the Sea of Galilee where Jesus healed a blind man 15. Caesarea Philippi: an area at the base of Mt. Hermon where Jesus announced plans to build His church 16. Mt. of Transfiguration: a probable reference to Mt. Hermon upon which Jesus was transfigured 17. Jericho: a city west of the Jordan River some five miles from the Dead Sea where Jesus healed blind Bartimaeus 18. Bethphage: a village near Bethany on the Mount of Olives where Jesus began His triumphal entry into Jerusalem on the foal of an ass 19. Bethany: a village some 20 miles from Jerusalem on the Mt. of Olives where Jesus retired to following His triumphal entry, probably at the home of Mary, Martha, and Lazarus 20. Mt. of Olives: a height east of Jerusalem, overlooking the Holy City, upon which Jesus delivered His prophetical message to the disciples just a few days before His crucifixion 21. Gethsemane: a garden located at the western base of Mt. Olivet, where Jesus prayed His prayers of agony 22. Cyrene: home city of Simon in north Africa who carried the cross of Jesus to Calvary 23. Golgotha: literally, “a skull,” where Jesus was crucified 24. Arimathaea: home of Joseph, wealthy Jewish believer, who secured Jesus’ lifeless body and buried it in his own tomb Unique Features 1. It is probably the earliest of the Gospels. 2. It is the shortest of the Gospels. 3. It contains very few O.T. quotations. 4. It is the most Aramaic of the Gospels. 5. It is a “Gospel of deeds.” The Greek word “EUTHUS,” translated as straightway, immediately, forthwith is used 41 times. 6. Mark’s gospel centers far more on what Jesus did, rather than what He said. 7. He also describes more of Jesus’ emotions than any other Gospel. 8. Two of the most frightening accounts of demon possession is recorded in extended fashion: • The maniac of Gadara (5) • The demonic son (9) 9. A favorable comparison can be seen between the general outline of Mark’s material and Peter’s preaching in the house of Cornelius (Acts 10) 10. This demonstrates the tremendous influence Peter has on Mark 11. Material found only in Mark • A statement made by Jesus’ friends, showing their sad misunderstanding regarding Him: “He is out of his mind” (3:21) • The young man in Gethsemane (14:51, 52) • An extended warning about hell (9:42-48) • The passage concerning tongues (16:15-18) 12. Parables found only in Mark: • Parable of the growing seed (4:26-29) 13. Miracles found only in Mark • Healing a deaf man with a speech impediment (7:32-37) • Healing a blind man in the temple (8:22-26) Comparison with Other Bible Books 1. Matthew, Luke, and John: Their presentation of Jesus can be contrasted as follows: • Mark presents Jesus as a servant and emphasizes His miracles • Matthew presents Jesus as a King and emphasizes His sermons • Luke presents Jesus as the perfect man and emphasizes His parables • John presents Jesus as the mighty God and emphasizes His doctrine Titles for and Types of Jesus 1. Jesus Christ (1:1a) 2. The Son of God (1:1b) 3. The Lord (1:3) 4. God’s beloved son (1:11) 5. The Holy One of God (1:24) 6. Jesus of Nazareth (1:24) 7. Bridegroom (2:19, 20) 8. Son of man (2:28a) 9. Lord of the Sabbath (2:28b) 10. Sower (4:3) 11. Master (4:38) 12. Most High God (5:7) 13. The carpenter (6:3a) 14. The Son of Mary (6:3b) 15. Prophet without honor (6:4) 16. Elijah (6:15) 17. John the Baptist (6:16) 18. A spirit (6:49) 19. The Christ (8:29) 20. Blessed Son (9:7) 21. Good Master (10:17) 22. Son of David (10:48) 23. The rejected cornerstone (12:10) 24. Son of the Blessed (14:61) 25. King of the Jews (15:2) THE BIBLE AT A GLANCE GENESIS - REVELATION Dr. H. L. Willmington Founder & Dean, Willmington School of the Bible Founder & Dean, Liberty Home Bible Institute Professor, Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary Copyright © 2007 by Harold L. Willmington. Used by Permission. All Rights Reserved. Bible Hub |