A PERVADING SENSE OF GOD -wof h1/Dgat p htt, h1/Dpower, h1/Dead>< by s filledwould beimh Geat psrc tf mh1/Ddevout someiNinev capaholy t" src,imh Gassess9af"/limh Ge" rrwof its Div='H Appldb,orgll strisc to scriptin mh1/Dlnsnn;abicont,r>gat p htt-econn> of mh GED/xhtm O'H 1/Dee/scztml1whenimh Gpower-econn> of him9t.atlmakps h1/D99dgRomes to beiknown 1/Dfeltl1whenimh Gead> of him9who ns:rturlayiniquityl1/Dprpsomelto mh Gm;cs. W'? dops itospeak1-tramh GetpRunity, civ=l trasaeatml1whenimh1/Dsaeatm somse of God "ml/19="//ww" itofromoe><,ofromomh Gleaselto mh Ggat pesev ca1/Dperv conts shvi-ISAIl1/ng bdetml1nn;dinwmeial mh1ng;org/1out itomh Gmoselvehliari s thast" srcs,omh Gmoselhonoatm n> A DEEP SENSE OF THE TRUE SOURCE OF STABILITY AND STRENGTHp "Wgsdomo">e" venly rgsdomo--econn> mhat "know/wwge" of God whicedmean/ng, t only a perc< inGitl1nc accmhat-econn> rgll clean/eimh Ge" rr,l"> A RIGHT ESTIMATE OF PROSPERITYp "/TR/fear tf mhpaxh=dl1/Da1/Dlreasurpp" W.atl1/Ditomhatletnshstuhas we/s/19drGs tsperity? Acch=d1ngGto mh Gan/wer whicedwe gisc to mh1/Dqupshsrc turaspiritual poectionlmay be w'? decrim='Hd. Ifdwe arH i>mreasurp-econn> mn mh Gfear tf mhpaxh=d, mn mh Getnsequpmel">/TR-econn> fear tf mhpaxh=dl1/Dmhpabegienonte -w"> i"Content-Type" cont2ender. (b) MttpRomearies/gllustratorEverything A> THERE IS NO SORROW IN HEAVENp "/TR/inhoaihlat shall n t say,lI am sick." Itx1/Domh rrgs' in mh1/Dworld, ru='Hd9a/Dito"lnsbeeniby sinet srH "mh whol Ge" dl1/Dsick,l">1p-econn> Th sodyl1/Dsickp But in h" ven9mh rH 1/Dn thme=wof all mhis.

2p-econn> Th e" rrw1/Dsick —Dsick of "hopeDdeferatml" of //s19"><,l">3p-econn> Th sosll1/Dsickp In9h" ven no indw'? me=wsin rgll rescri,hmoGsuggeselevill1wheniwe "would do Eled": no tempt r, moGrettpRomtppany th sosll1nto itsGe" venly hoaihltionl—Ditlmay be i/ww='Hd9by soia t.atlmh Grettllechsrc tf s-layotpRithtm rc " rredmustl1nterf rH wg/19itsGwmeir Gfe thityp But mh GapprehensSAIl1/ grou>gelslfeea mhis. But mh Gpcrifsllsomse of guiltorgll beiftraes:r TDctudHd.

THERE IS NO CONDEMNATION IN HEAVENp "/TR/peosle t.atldw'? wmh rHmn shall beiftrgiscn mh iramniquity."

1p-econn> Th ftrgiscnesi of sin rgll beDmore9cerptin. Ftrgiscnesi 1/DcerptinGto mh Gee/s belies:r;9but who 1/DcerptinGof himself?

2p-econn> Th ftrgiscnesi of sin rgll thenibeDmore9ctppul e,r—Dn t soG/uss t. ftrgiscnesi itself,ilnsmhpaetnsequpmsei of it.


<_p rd3d5b8b15Hut me=l">in excresis. Whenimh Gworselha< oeliscrlarwo-tran1/Dpeoslep I/Dn t mh1/DnGgcneral rulH wg/19God? /TR/per=l tf Jpruialem serscs lnsnGdcrk9bnckgrou>< to brme=wout mh Gbead> THERE IS SUCH A THING AS PRESENT FORGIVENESSv caprH mustlbeilDprpsome,aetnscmeta,renjoyharsep rd3d of sin —

1p-econn> El/eimh rH would bein joy mn mh GworldDftramhoud>2p-econn> El/eimh scriDmotivml">3p-econn> El/eiwe should always be mn bondage throud> fear tf deon t-p>4p-econn> El/eimh whol Gsystem of grlcc would beinGoeaimh y w rH lepers. SoorhenitTR/xh=dlp rd3d/Dourasin9mh rH 1/DlDprpyhto beitakei: riceps of grlcc are9atloura>4p-econn> P rd3dtm peosle shall n t sayimh y arH sick,l-traby a lithlml">xhtip psrc th y shall dectsrehmh Gscry cont//W3p In9a lithlmleiNiiwe shall beiwh rH tTR/inhoaihlat shall nes:r bH sick agtin.

(C. H. Ssurgeor-econn>.)

<_sineb8b15Sick htt "> LetGrs speak1of THOSEr"ILLS THAT FLESH IS HEIR TOp" W.erescr man exises in mh1/Dworld, tTR/cryiisGe" =d, "I a m sick." Itx1/Dso becauswow.erescr man exises mh rH 1/DsinetDiselneo"lnsbeenisomelto res tsc tTR sini of iarng">1p-econn> Pcri restsc/Dus outltf mh Gwayotf tempt" src,igisc/Dus eiNii-tra (blechsrcl1wheniwe w rH ef/xhlylruenont 1nto d">ger.

2p-econn> How /uss a formidharsesick htt "lnshelpHd9a belies:r in drlwme=wout a1/Dlhoud> THE REMOVAL OF BOTH THESEp ASlsick htt ">()

il:i—DUprc9one9omh risoripDd>iGod ha/Dftrgiscn Jpruialem, Assyrialctpes bnckhto besieg Ge"r. Almhoud>imhe penitpmtlbeitrulylred> euman h1/toryiftraes:rmore9—Dlitrumpet-call moGfibti in mheDGod of Israel A>()

< who metlxh=dlBeaetnsfiel< soAIlaf"/limhatlst" esman ha()

<_but me= < of him9wg/19painng">< him9to9a be t rGm;cs. H Gsosd>< hi/Dp /tor,l"><'/Dlhoud>(C. H. Ssurgeor-econn>.)

f (e.


Coia n" r,lye t" srcs, moGe" =. css" me"Content-Tyvr forms. (a) S, the Lo4is ous/biblehu4ext/css" me"Content-Tytlender. (b) M title="applioelitzsch/edom.//bibldomeht/css" me"Content-Tyapplender. (b) M title="appldb59oelitzsch ()

<; itosuffers9t.e f" e tf Sodomo">()

<_3 is ous/biblehu4,l">:i—-econn> Th sR/srehmwo wo>ie v ca1/Duswotf mh G is ahby mhpa is ahis of grt p ctnsequpmse;Dn t oily i/Dito1meerestme=l"/Da lite//W3 incidome,abutDito1/Dfsll tf suggesesrc as to mh Grfngc nndGcerptintyl">()

ad><"Content-Type" cont2enOutl='Hips" m1. csconn>rms. (a) S, the Lo3-="text>God's 99dgRomes agtinst mh Gwmemips of mhpaessess13. csconn>rms. (a) S, the Lo3-=g (func(fuips" m

C//DTDC//DTDC//DTDC//DTDC//DTDeio. (b) Mt-Typeneral. Ew.wreal/dbt/114 is ousC//DTDC//DTDC//DTDGod, connecendcme

C//DTDC//DTDC//DTDC//DTDC//DTDeio. (b) Mt-Typeneral. Ew.wreal/dbt/5317is ousC//DTDC//DTDC//DTDfou>C//DTDC//DTDC//DTDriceps, spiritualrms. (a) S5hscrip/simpn/ja/sys_of_e" ven_uprc_" rre_/as il_2_e"_shall_diona " (/bi. xxxiii. 16). "HH shall dw'? wotd"> outl">(fd ">

rms. (a) S5hscrip/mactsren/TDpoections_of_eoly_ww.w3.urp_h/how_to_diona_in_mhe 'Who amoe=wus shall dw'? wrg/19t.eDdevourme=wfir ? who amoe=wus shall dw'? wrg/19escrlastme=lburnonts? 15. Hwot.atlwalke/19 id>< t.e rms. (a) S5hscrip/mactsren/TDpoections_of_eoly_ww.w3.urp_h/how_to_diona_in_mhe t.eDdeser/9bnrH; Ftramh Gsosl'/Dadored, beltscdwOne,lHwoabict/19t.erp. ><_omh rs/mhe_sh=dev_of_eis_sa--Iu/W3p <_on_mhe_daily_sath/as il_3_escnme= <_mhe_ shaepputtivH_life/qupshsrc_clxxx_of_mhe_ shaepputtivH ad>

rms. (a) S5hscrip/gaONE tf mhe mosels htted occup psrcs -tramh Gbelies:r is9t.e pray/lfsllso rchie=wof God's holy Wh=dlto coscns:r9t.erpan"w/glormensnndGfresh beappias tf Him, whohis9almogeth r ltscl3p Shall weres:r find outl"ll whicedt.e writhta Wh=dlrescals tf Himself nndGHis wor/1i htt? ca1/Dwo>(fGcaIlnes:r bH exhaushtm. Th Ge" rr whiced1/DdevotHd9to Him nndGloe=s throud> t.eDprpsomce nndGindw'? me=wtf mhe Holy Spirit to boacltserhmoGmh Gxh=d, moGe" = nndGknowDmore9of Himself, rgll always find soiathme=w rms. (a) S5hscrip/ga

rms. (a) S5hscrip/calvin/mhe_inshstuhas_of_mhe_ hiiseian_>1. Introduction, showie= mh Gnecesiitylof s tsie= mh Gsimillritylof bo/19>idifferectly dm='ishritm. Three9t.ge=s in whicedt.eyGwmeir ly g (e. 3. Firselgcneral simillrity, or g (eRome--viz. mhatlmh GOld TpshaRome, equallylrg/19t.eDNew, excrndcdhgt/ promistsdbeyo>

rms. (a) S5hscrip/bayly/mhe_phacchtm_of_piety/sescn_sa--ISfiww_lhoud><_mosenfsl s of alSick ManaRNow,l-tras/uss asDGod of aiso1nf='ite mercyhdo/19so tempev our9pain ">=ugshv caprHforHla rms. (a) S5hscrip/bayly/mhe_phacchtm_of_piety/sescn_sa--ISfiww_lhoud><_mosenfsl (fr tf mhpaassess is9t.e s; ' fromowhomobelies:rs u>< of u>iitoha/Drdipect ceiwfl3 to the Kge=l3 Offxpa, refers also moGmh GProphetghe_ ">

rms. (a) S5hscrip/hengshrnbee pchiiseology_of_mhe_olw_lpshaRome/mhe_">gel_of_mhe_lord gel9tf mhe Lh=dl1n mh GPomelteucing">T.eDNew TpshaRomeldistme=ugshHs brtwcenimh GhiddeniGod ">< of [Pg 116] mh Gworld,--amgel_of_mhe_lord t.eDl pchtm of h1/Do=d1nanpas. Thta Mosps stw him9who w"/DinvisType (Hebe ws 11:27). Belies:rs seeDGod's Eloryl"/Ditow rH rms. (a) S5hscrip/watson/mhe_bt pstudes_">_TDpoection_of_matmhew_51-12/17_mhe_s htted_s ivilega_ofp

rms. (a) S5hscrip/brownpchiise_mhe_way_mhe_m, /1_"><_mhe_life/cef="/l_xix_"><_mhe_life Th1/,ilnsmhpaftrm:r, beme=wspokeniindef='itely,lmay be uniscriallyltakei,ilnsrpl pse=lbots9to suss asDarH yetwindt.e st" e tf naturpng">< three9sorips tf mrutingbo/19inGreferecceDto t.e one,l"><_mhe_life/cef="/l_xix_"><_mhe_life gev contemporarylMgheh,lhelwln, mn "ll probabilityng"> "r1/tocrat; a>ad>rms. (a) ..Everythingd6is ou onmousens:r='rd><.src) S>ad>rms. (a) #u onmousens:r='bo/5efe.src) Sbo/5efegif.png"' onmousenut='bo/5efe.src) Sbo/5efe.png"' id='catTop tf Paget>rim=wsrc) Sbo/5efe.png"on; 'whbo/5efet sh=dev="0"9almatTop tf Paget /mesamess" me"Conc855bo/>ad>rms. (a) #u onmousens:r='bo/>ad><.src) Sbo/>ad>ad>rifr; ' width="100%" .ead><="1500"9scro? me=="no"wsrc) Sbo/Rwmubhparis ou fr; 'sh=dev="0"mesifr; 'mess" mestdmestrmcstharsmess" me/sodyme/s ol>