Exodus 32:26 Then Moses stood in the gate of the camp, and said, Who is on the LORD's side? let him come to meβ¦ I. The text clearly implies a solemn fact, that THERE IS A SIDE IN ANTAGONISM TO THE LORD'S β that there are interests, that there are opinions, that there are principles, that there are lives that are in diametrical opposition to the side of God, and truth, and of righteousness. No reflective mind can survey our humanity without coming to this conviction: Surely all this unrighteousness, all this living for self, all this oppression, this worldliness, cannot be on the side of God's moral government. There are questions of science, and of politics, and of literature on which a man may assume a neutral position; but in the great matter of your salvation, God's claim to your love, there is and there can be no neutrality. It is not a matter optional with you whether you repent or not, whether you believe or not, whether you are the follower and disciple of Christ or not. It is not a matter to you of utter indifference whether or not you are known in this world to be a child of God and an heir of glory. II. WHAT IS IT TRULY TO BE ON THE LORD'S SIDE ? 1. Let me remark, simply and emphatically, that to be on the Lord's side is to love Him. Love and hate to one and the selfsame being are emotions not only incongruous, but impossible in the human breast. There are no two properties in chemistry more opposite to each other in their nature and in their operations than are these two emotions β love and hate. 2. To be on the Lord's side is to be on the side of His truth. The truth of God, next to His beloved Son, is the most precious thing that He possesses. Declare yourself on the side of the gospel and on the side of God's truth; let there be no compromise; let there be no doubt whatever as to the firmness and sincerity with which you hold it. 3. To be on the Lord's side is, then, to be on the side of the Lord's people. If you are on the side of the Lord, you will not be ashamed of the Lord's people. You may find many of them in lowly life, you may find many of them battling and struggling with its difficulties, you may find many of them unlearned and ignorant as touching the lore of this world. 4. But to be on the side of holiness it is essential to be on the side of the Lord. The Lord's side is holiness in conflict with sin, righteousness in antagonism with unholiness. III. "WHO IS ON THE LORD'S SIDE?" There are many considerations with which one might enforce the challenge, and press it upon your personal and solemn consideration. Let these suffice β 1. It is the only right side. 2. I remark, in addition to this, that it is the only winning side. (C. Winslow.) Parallel Verses KJV: Then Moses stood in the gate of the camp, and said, Who is on the LORD'S side? let him come unto me. And all the sons of Levi gathered themselves together unto him. |