Isaiah 62:2 And the Gentiles shall see your righteousness, and all kings your glory: and you shall be called by a new nameā¦ And men shall call thee by a new name, which the mouth of Jehovah shall appoint (compare, for the promise of a new name, Revelation 2:17; Revelation 3:12). Abram, brought into covenant with God, receives a new name - Abraham. Jacob finds his triumph seal his acceptance with God, and he is henceforth known by a new name - Israel. What the name is to be God only knows, but it will recognize the fact that the people had been faithful, and were rewarded for their faithfulness. A singular sentiment prevailed among the Jews in connection with this new naming. The possession of a new name came to be regarded among the pious as a demonstration that all sins committed under the old name were forgiven, and all decrees annulled which were issued against the sinner while possessed of his former appellation. Accordingly, at the approach of death, the Jews were wont to change the name of the dying person, and the reason of this custom will be perceived from the following prayer offered for the dying, to whom the new name has been given: "O God, take pity on A (his former name), and restore him to health, and let him henceforth be called B (the new name); and let him be glad in his new name, and let it be confirmed to him. Be pleased, we entreat thee, O God, that this change of name may abolish all the hard and evil decrees against him, and destroy the broad sentence. If death be decreed upon A (the former name), it is not decreed upon B (the new name), if an evil decree was made against A, lo! this hour he is another man, a new creature, and like a child born to a good life and length of days." I. THE NEW SAME INDICATES THE END OF THE OLD LIFE. Illustrate: 1. By the new name given in marriage, which closes up the old life in the father's home. 2. By the new name given to those restored to Jerusalem, which intimated the close of the time of captivity in Babylon. 3. By the new name" Christian," which marks the end of the old heathen life, or pagan life. 4. By the new heavenly name (as in Revelation 2:17), which tells that the earth-conflict has ended in the victory of holiness. Apply to the Divine recognition of our final triumph over the old Adam, which is "corrupt according to the deceitful lusts." II. THE NEW NAME REMINDS MEN OF THE GRACE OF WHICH THEY ARE MONUMENTS. It is very positively stated that God gives the name, to remind men of what he has done for them. The name "redeemed" keeps in mind the "Redeemer." The name "Christian" sets "Christ" ever before us. It is not our name for ourselves; it is God's name for us, and so a constant reminder of what Almighty grace has done, and can do. III. THE NEW NAME INDICATES THE SPIRIT OF THE NEW LIFE. The name "holy city" calls attention to the fact that the people should be all holy, as those who are fully consecrated unto God. - R.T. Parallel Verses KJV: And the Gentiles shall see thy righteousness, and all kings thy glory: and thou shalt be called by a new name, which the mouth of the LORD shall name. |