God Judges Better than Man
Job 34:33
Should it be according to your mind? he will recompense it, whether you refuse, or whether you choose; and not Iā€¦

When we consider that there is a God of infinite perfection at the head of the universe, extending His providence to every event, and making it the expression of His will, it seems to be the plainest of all truths that such creatures as we are, ought to be cheerfully subject to His disposal. Time was when submission to God on the part of man was not deemed grievous. Then the will of man and the will of his God were one. But man would be wiser than his Maker, and vainly imagined that, in consulting his own will, higher satisfaction was to be found than in according with the holy will of a perfect God: in the same path of miserable adventure have gone, ever since, his blind and unhappy offspring. To develop this form of human selfishness, and to show how unbecoming it is in such a creature as man, let us consider it ā€”

I. AS HIGHLY PRESUMPTUOUS. Look at the lesson of experience. In all their estimates men are not merely liable to mistakes, but they constantly fall into them. The very events to which men are chiefly indebted for their happiness are not of their own contriving. It is the testimony of experience, that we neither understand well how to choose events, nor how to control them. The presumption is still more strikingly apparent if we reflect on our own incompetence to govern. Can we even look through time? Can we cast an eye over immensity and through eternity? The presumption is still more striking when we reflect on our inability by comparison or contrast. What is man, and what is God?

II. THIS DESIRE, IF ACCOMPLISHED WOULD BE FATAL TO THE HIGHEST AND BEST INTERESTS. What would become of the glory of God? The effects would not be less fatal to the interests of any community. It would be equally fatal to the individual interests of lash. And still more fatal to their spiritual interests. How differently we should order events from the manner in which God orders them, if things might be according to our mind.

III. THIS STATE OF MIND IS HIGHLY OFFENSIVE TO GOD. It betrays almost every evil temper and disposition. It shows a sordid attachment to our own selfish interests. This desire betrays also dissatisfaction with God. It bespeaks ingratitude to God. It is in direct rebellion against God. To govern the world is the prerogative of God. To wish to change the administration at all is an invasion of that prerogative, and high treason against the King of kings. It is distrust of God. Remarks ā€”

1. Submission to the Divine will is necessary to secure the blessings which we need.

2. Acquiescence in the Divine will is a duty which respects a/l events.

3. Let this subject support us under the trials of this world, and animate us in our way to a better.

(N. W. Taylor, D. D.)

Parallel Verses
KJV: Should it be according to thy mind? he will recompense it, whether thou refuse, or whether thou choose; and not I: therefore speak what thou knowest.

WEB: Shall his recompense be as you desire, that you refuse it? For you must choose, and not I. Therefore speak what you know.

Conceit Rebuked
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