Psalm 106
Difficult Questions and Answers
Psalm 106:9 states God dried up the Red Sea for Israel’s passage—do we have any historical or scientific evidence that such an event actually happened?

Psalm 106:17 says the earth swallowed Dathan and his followers—how do we reconcile this with a lack of archaeological confirmation of such an event?

Psalm 106:29 recounts a plague as divine punishment—why is there no extra-biblical record or historical data attesting to this widespread incident?

Psalm 106:34–35 suggests Israel did not fully conquer or destroy surrounding nations—how does this align with biblical passages that claim they subdued the land completely?

Psalm 106:37 speaks of sacrificing children to demons—what non-biblical evidence supports or contradicts the claim that Israelites practiced child sacrifice?

Bible Study Questions

1. How does the Israelites' repeated cycle of rebellion and God's forgiveness resonate with your personal life?

2. In what ways have you experienced God's mercy in your life?

3. Can you identify with the Israelites' moments of doubt and disobedience?

4. How can remembering past deliverance strengthen our faith during periods of trials?

5. What does Psalm 106 reveal about God's character?

6. How does the Psalmist’s confession in verse 6 apply to our modern society?

7. How can we resist the temptation to forget God's deeds, as the Israelites did after leaving Egypt?

8. How does the incident of the Golden Calf reflect human nature's propensity to stray away?

9. Moses' intercession for the Israelites shows his leadership quality. Can you share an instance when you had to intercede on someone's behalf?

10. Why do you think the Israelites struggled to fully obey God's command to drive out the nations?

11. In what ways are we influenced by the 'idols' or worldly desires in today's society?

12. How can the Psalmist’s pleas for mercy guide us in our prayers today?

13. How does Psalm 106 challenge you to respond to God's mercy and patience?

14. What does the Psalm teach us about the consequences of forgetting God’s benefits?

15. How does this Psalm highlight the importance of repentance?

16. What can we learn from Moses's interaction with God in the Psalm?

17. How does this Psalm encourage you to trust in God's promises, despite difficult circumstances?

18. In what ways does the history of Israel serve as a mirror to our spiritual journey?

19. How can we maintain a spirit of gratitude and praise in times of personal rebellion and restoration?

20. What steps can we take to avoid the cycle of forgetting God’s deeds and falling into disobedience?

Bible Hub Chapter Summaries and Bible Study Questions

Psalm 105
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