Matthew 27
Bible Study Questions

1. How does Judas' remorse and suicide impact your understanding of guilt and forgiveness?

2. What can we learn from Pilate's decision-making in the face of public pressure?

3. How does Jesus' silence during His trial inspire you to respond when unjustly accused?

4. What can you infer from the crowd's choice of Barabbas over Jesus?

5. How does the crucifixion narrative influence your understanding of Jesus' sacrifice?

6. In what ways does the scene at Golgotha contrast with Jesus' kingship?

7. How does the tearing of the temple curtain symbolize the relationship between God and humanity?

8. What significance do you find in the supernatural events following Jesus' death?

9. How does Joseph of Arimathea's act of providing a burial place for Jesus inspire you in terms of sacrifice and risk for your faith?

10. How do the actions of the chief priests and Pharisees to secure the tomb reflect their understanding or misunderstanding of Jesus?

11. How can you apply the lessons from Jesus' trial and crucifixion to your life in the face of suffering or persecution?

12. What does Judas' end teach you about the consequences of betrayal?

13. How does the public's participation in Jesus' crucifixion reflect societal dynamics you've witnessed?

14. What can you learn from the women who remained with Jesus till the end?

15. How does Matthew 27 alter your perception of victory and defeat?

16. In what ways does Jesus' burial by Joseph of Arimathea show respect and reverence?

17. How can the religious leaders' fear of Jesus' resurrection prophecy apply to situations in life where people act out of fear?

18. How can the darkness that fell over the land inspire you in your dark times?

19. What does Jesus' cry, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" teach about expressing distress and despair to God?

20. How does Jesus' journey from crucifixion to burial impact your understanding of the journey from suffering to redemption?

Bible Hub Chapter Summaries and Bible Study Questions

Matthew 26
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