Matthew 24
Bible Study Questions

1. What is the significance of Jesus' prediction about the Temple's destruction?

2. How do the signs of the end of the age affect your understanding of global events?

3. How can we apply Jesus' warning about false Christs and prophets in our context?

4. What does the "abomination of desolation" reveal about the severity of the end-times tribulation?

5. How does Jesus' depiction of His return inspire hope and awe?

6. What lessons can we draw from the Parable of the Fig Tree about recognizing the signs of the times?

7. How can we practice watchfulness in our faith journey as instructed by Jesus?

8. What are some practical ways to apply the call to readiness for Christ's return in our daily lives?

9. How does Jesus' teaching about the end of the age impact your perspective on current world events?

10. How can we discern true from false teachings in light of Jesus' warnings?

11. In what ways does Jesus' discourse on His second coming affect your understanding of biblical prophecy?

12. How does the Parable of the Fig Tree underscore the nearness of Christ's return?

13. How does the unpredictability of Jesus' return challenge us to live faithfully each day?

14. How can we use Jesus' warnings to guide our responses to spiritual deception?

15. How can the promise of Jesus' return encourage us amidst trials and tribulations?

16. How does Jesus' discourse on His second coming deepen your longing for His return?

17. How can we encourage others to stay vigilant and prepared for the Second Coming?

18. What are some ways we can ensure our faith and actions align with Jesus' call for watchfulness?

19. How does the cosmic description of Christ's return shape your understanding of His majesty and power?

20. How can we draw hope from the promise of the gospel being preached to all nations before the end?

Bible Hub Chapter Summaries and Bible Study Questions

Matthew 23
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