Matthew 16
Difficult Questions and Answers
How can we reconcile Jesus’s prophecy in Matthew 16:28 that some disciples would not die before seeing the Son of Man coming with the fact that they all eventually died?

In Matthew 16:4, Jesus refers to the “sign of Jonah,” yet there’s no historical or scientific proof for Jonah’s survival in a fish’s belly—how is this plausible?

How can Jesus giving Peter the “keys of the kingdom” in Matthew 16:19 be squared with later New Testament teachings that salvation is open to all believers?

Matthew 16:18 claims that the “gates of Hades” will never overcome the church; why then do we see instances of corruption and decline within Christian institutions throughout history?

If Jesus is the foundation of the church in other parts of the New Testament, why does Matthew 16:18 single out Peter’s role, and how is that not inconsistent?

Bible Study Questions

1. How does Jesus' response to the Pharisees and Sadducees' demand for a sign challenge your understanding of faith?

2. What lessons can you learn from Jesus' warning about the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees?

3. How does Peter's confession of Christ inspire your personal faith and testimony?

4. In what ways does Jesus' prediction of His suffering and death deepen your understanding of His mission?

5. How does Jesus' teaching about self-denial and carrying the cross apply to your life today?

6. How does the promise of Jesus' return in glory provide hope in your present circumstances?

7. How do you interpret the statement about the 'keys of the kingdom of heaven'? How does it apply to your life?

8. How can we discern between worldly wisdom and Godly revelation in our lives, as seen in Peter's life within this chapter?

9. What are some 'leavens' (false teachings or harmful influences) in today's society that Christians should beware of?

10. How would you respond to Jesus' question, "Who do you say I am?"

11. What are some practical ways you can 'deny yourself, take up your cross and follow Jesus' in your current situation?

12. How does Jesus' rebuke of Peter challenge you to check your thoughts and motivations?

13. How do you reconcile the idea of losing life to save it, as Jesus mentions in verse 25?

14. In what ways can you affirm your faith in Christ, following Peter's example?

15. How does this chapter shape your understanding of discipleship?

16. What does the 'Transfiguration' tell you about Jesus' nature and mission?

17. How would you handle a situation where your personal feelings or thoughts are contrary to God's will, like Peter?

18. What is the significance of the 'sign of Jonah' mentioned by Jesus in this context?

19. How does Jesus' prophecy about His suffering and death contribute to your understanding of His love and sacrifice?

20. What steps can you take to better align your thoughts and actions with God's will, as portrayed in this chapter?

Bible Hub Chapter Summaries and Bible Study Questions

Matthew 15
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