Mark 2
Difficult Questions and Answers
Mark 2:1–12 – How can modern readers accept the scientifically impossible healing of a paralytic man simply through spoken words?

Mark 2:5–7 – If only God can forgive sins, why does this passage seem to attribute God’s authority to Jesus without clearer proof of His divinity?

Mark 2:14 – Given the uncertainty around “Levi” and “Matthew,” could this naming discrepancy indicate a historical or textual inconsistency?

Mark 2:18–22 – Why does Jesus’ stance on fasting differ so greatly from Jewish customs, and does this contradict Old Testament laws?

Mark 2:23–28 – How reliable is the story of disciples picking grain on the Sabbath, given the potential historical and legal disputes that should have arisen?

Bible Study Questions

1. What does the healing of the paralytic reveal about Jesus' power and authority?

2. How does Jesus' response to the Pharisees' criticism over His company inform your understanding of His mission?

3. What do the metaphors of new cloth on an old garment and new wine in old wineskins teach about the incompatibility of Jesus' teachings with old religious customs?

4. How does Jesus assert His authority over the Sabbath, and what does it mean for our understanding of Sabbath observance?

5. How do the actions of the paralytic's friends exemplify faith and perseverance?

6. In calling Levi, a tax collector, to be His disciple, how does Jesus challenge societal norms and expectations?

7. How do Jesus' actions and teachings in Mark 2 challenge your personal religious assumptions?

8. How does the response of the crowd to Jesus' miracles and teachings in Mark 2 inform you about public opinion towards Jesus during His ministry?

9. What is the significance of Jesus' statement, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners."

10. How can we apply the principles seen in Jesus' interactions with the Pharisees to our current social and religious contexts?

11. How can we demonstrate the faith and determination seen in the friends of the paralytic in our lives today?

12. How does the calling of Levi challenge our notions of worthiness and acceptance?

13. What does the incident of the grain picking on the Sabbath teach about legalism versus the spirit of the law?

14. How can we ensure we are not adhering to old wineskins (old religious traditions) that might hinder the new thing God wants to do in our lives?

15. How does the revelation of Jesus as the 'Lord of the Sabbath' inform our understanding of rest and work?

16. How can the Pharisees' reaction to Jesus' actions serve as a caution against a judgmental and exclusive attitude in our own lives?

17. How does Jesus' interaction with sinners and societal outcasts in this chapter inform your personal ministry and outreach?

18. How should Jesus' explanation of the role of fasting impact our understanding and practice of this spiritual discipline?

19. How does Jesus' bold authority in His teachings and miracles inspire your personal faith journey?

20. In what ways does Mark 2 challenge you to embrace Jesus' transformative teachings in your daily life?

Bible Hub Chapter Summaries and Bible Study Questions

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