Difficult Questions and Answers How do we reconcile Peter’s vision of unclean animals in Acts 11:5–10 with scientific evidence about dietary laws and hygiene at that time? Bible Study Questions 1. How does Peter's defense to the Jewish believers show the importance of witnessing and testifying to God's work? 2. What significance does the conversion of Gentiles in Antioch hold in the context of Christianity's global expansion? 3. How does the narrative of the Antioch church reflect on the role of individual believers in spreading the Gospel? 4. What lessons about accepting and respecting different cultures can we glean from the believers' response to Peter's explanation? 5. How does the prophecy of Agabus demonstrate the role of prophecy in the early church? 6. How did the Antioch church respond to the prophecy of the famine, and what does it teach us about Christian charity? 7. How does Barnabas' reaction to the growing church in Antioch highlight the importance of encouragement and rejoicing in others' spiritual growth? 8. How can we model the generosity and solidarity shown by the disciples in Antioch in response to the predicted famine? 9. Why do you think the disciples were first called "Christians" in Antioch, and what implications does this title hold? 10. How does Acts 11 deepen our understanding of the growth and expansion of the early Christian church? 11. How does this chapter challenge our attitudes towards sharing the Gospel with those who are culturally or ethnically different from us? 12. What can we learn from the Jerusalem church's acceptance of Peter's explanation about his interaction with Gentiles? 13. What does the rapid growth of the Antioch church tell us about the effectiveness of diverse believers working together? 14. How does the Antioch church's response to the predicted famine inspire us to act in times of crisis today? 15. How does Barnabas' decision to involve Saul in the teaching ministry reflect on recognizing and utilizing the talents of others in the church? 16. How can we apply the spirit of unity, acceptance, and proactive response displayed in this chapter to our present-day Christian communities? 17. What does the phrase "each according to his ability" tell us about individual responsibility within a community? 18. How does the story of Acts 11 challenge your perception of Christian identity and mission? 19. How does the reception of the Gentile believers by the early Christian community inspire us to inclusivity and acceptance today? 20. How does this chapter emphasize the role of testimony and story-sharing in the spread of the Gospel? Bible Hub Chapter Summaries and Bible Study Questions |