Ben Sira 30
New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition

Concerning Children[a]

1He who loves his son will whip him often,
    so that he may rejoice at the way he turns out.
2He who disciplines his son will profit by him,
    and will boast of him among acquaintances.
3He who teaches his son will make his enemies envious,
    and will glory in him among his friends.
4When the father dies he will not seem to be dead,
    for he has left behind him one like himself,
5whom in his life he looked upon with joy
    and at death, without grief.
6He has left behind him an avenger against his enemies,
    and one to repay the kindness of his friends.

7Whoever spoils his son will bind up his wounds,
    and will suffer heartache at every cry.
8An unbroken horse turns out stubborn,
    and an unchecked son turns out headstrong.
9Pamper a child, and he will terrorize you;
    play with him, and he will grieve you.
10Do not laugh with him, or you will have sorrow with him,
    and in the end you will gnash your teeth.
11Give him no freedom in his youth,
    and do not ignore his errors.
12Bow down his neck in his youth,[b]
    and beat his sides while he is young,
or else he will become stubborn and disobey you,
    and you will have sorrow of soul from him.[c]
13Discipline your son and make his yoke heavy,[d]
    so that you may not be offended by his shamelessness.

14Better off poor, healthy, and fit
    than rich and afflicted in body.
15Health and fitness are better than any gold,
    and a robust body than countless riches.
16There is no wealth better than health of body,
    and no gladness above joy of heart.
17Death is better than a life of misery,
    and eternal sleep[e] than chronic sickness.

Concerning Foods[f]

18Good things poured out upon a mouth that is closed
    are like offerings of food placed upon a grave.
19Of what use to an idol is a sacrifice?
    For it can neither eat nor smell.
So is the one punished by the Lord;
20he sees with his eyes and groans
    as a eunuch groans when embracing a girl.[g]

21Do not give yourself over to sorrow,
    and do not distress yourself deliberately.
22A joyful heart is life itself,
    and rejoicing lengthens one’s life span.
23Indulge yourself[h] and take comfort,
    and remove sorrow far from you,
for sorrow has destroyed many,
    and no advantage ever comes from it.
24Jealousy and anger shorten life,
    and anxiety brings on premature old age.
25Those who are cheerful and merry at table
    will benefit from their food.


  1. Sirach 30:1 This heading is included in the Gk text.
  2. Sirach 30:12 Other ancient authorities lack this line and the preceding line
  3. Sirach 30:12 Other ancient authorities lack this line
  4. Sirach 30:13 Heb: Gk take pains with him
  5. Sirach 30:17 Other ancient authorities lack eternal sleep
  6. Sirach 30:18 This heading is included in the Gk text; other ancient authorities place the heading before verse 16
  7. Sirach 30:20 Other ancient authorities add So is the person who does right under compulsion
  8. Sirach 30:23 Other ancient authorities read Beguile yourself
Scripture quotations are from the New Revised Standard Version Bible: Catholic Edition, copyright © 1989, 1993 National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

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