Ben Sira 46
New American Bible Revised Edition

Joshua, Caleb, the Judges, and Samuel

1Valiant warrior was Joshua,* son of Nun,

aide to Moses in the prophetic office,

Formed to be, as his name implies,

the great savior of God’s chosen ones,

To punish the enemy

and to give to Israel their heritage.a

2What glory was his when he raised his hand,

to brandish his sword against the city!b

3Who could withstand him

when he fought the battles of the Lord?*

4Was it not by that same hand the sun stopped,

so that one day became two?c

5He called upon the Most High God

when his enemies beset him on all sides,

And God Most High answered him

with hailstones of tremendous power,

6That rained down upon the hostile army

till on the slope he destroyed the foe;

That all the doomed nations might know

the Lord was watching over his people’s battles.

He was indeed a devoted follower of God

7and showed himself loyal in Moses’ lifetime.

He and Caleb,* son of Jephunneh,

when they opposed the rebel assembly,

Averted God’s anger from the people

and suppressed the wicked complaint.d

8Because of this, these two alone were spared

from the six hundred thousand infantry,

To lead the people into their heritage,

the land flowing with milk and honey.e

9The strength God gave to Caleb

remained with him even in old age

Till he won his way onto the summits of the land;

his family too received a heritage,f

10That all the offspring of Jacob might know

how good it is to be a devoted follower of the Lord.

11The Judges,* each one of them,

whose hearts were not deceived,

Who did not abandon God—

may their memory be ever blessed!g

12May their bones flourish with new life where they lie,

and their names receive fresh luster in their children!

13Beloved of his people, dear to his Maker,

pledged in a vow from his mother’s womb,

As one consecrated to the Lord in the prophetic office,

was Samuel, the judge who offered sacrifice.

At God’s word he established the kingdom

and anointed princes to rule the people.h

14By the law of the Lord he judged the congregation,

and visited the encampments of Jacob.

15As a trustworthy prophet he was sought out

and his words proved him to be a true seer.

16He, too, called upon the mighty Lord

when his enemies pressed him on every side,

and offered up a suckling lamb.i

17Then the Lord thundered from heaven,

and the tremendous roar of his voice was heard.j

18He brought low the rulers of the enemy

and destroyed all the lords of the Philistines.

19When Samuel neared the end of life,

he testified before the Lord and his anointed prince,

“No bribe or secret gift have I taken from anyone!”

and no one could accuse him.k

20Even after death his guidance was sought;

he made known to the king his fate.

From the grave he spoke in prophecy

to put an end to wickedness.l

Book Introduction


Scripture texts, prefaces, introductions, footnotes and cross references used in this work are taken from the New American Bible, revised edition © 2010, 1991, 1986, 1970 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Inc., Washington, DC All Rights Reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

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