Numbers 6:21
Numbers 6:21
"'This is the law of the Nazirite who vows offerings to the LORD in accordance with their dedication, in addition to whatever else they can afford. They must fulfill the vows they have made, according to the law of the Nazirite.'"

"This is the ritual law of the Nazirites, who vow to bring these offerings to the LORD. They may also bring additional offerings if they can afford it. And they must be careful to do whatever they vowed when they set themselves apart as Nazirites."

“This is the law of the Nazirite. But if he vows an offering to the LORD above his Nazirite vow, as he can afford, in exact accordance with the vow that he takes, then he shall do in addition to the law of the Nazirite.”

"This is the law of the Nazirite who vows his offering to the LORD according to his separation, in addition to what else he can afford; according to his vow which he takes, so he shall do according to the law of his separation."

This is the law of the Nazarite who hath vowed, and of his offering unto the LORD for his separation, beside that that his hand shall get: according to the vow which he vowed, so he must do after the law of his separation.

This is the ritual of the Nazirite who vows his offering to the LORD for his consecration, in addition to whatever else he can afford; he must fulfill whatever vow he makes in keeping with the ritual for his consecration."

This is to be the law of the Nazirite when he commits his offering to the LORD on account of his consecration, over and beyond what he owns alone plus whatever he can provide, based on the vow from his own mouth that he vows to fulfill on account of the law of his consecration."

"This is the law of the Nazirite who vows to the LORD his offering according to his separation, as well as whatever else he can provide. Thus he must fulfill his vow that he makes, according to the law of his separation."

"These are the instructions for those who have vowed to bring their offerings to the LORD because they were Nazirites. They must bring these offerings in addition to anything else they can afford. They must fulfill the requirements of these instructions for Nazirites and finish whatever they vowed to do."

This is the law of the Nazarite who made a vow of their offering unto the LORD for their Nazariteship, beside that which their means allows, according to the vow which they vowed, so they must do according to the law of their Nazariteship.

This is the law of the Nazarite who has vowed, and of his offering unto the LORD for his separation, beside that that his hand shall get: according to the vow which he vowed, so he must do after the law of his separation.

This is the law of the Nazarite who has vowed, and of his offering to the LORD for his separation, beside that that his hand shall get: according to the vow which he vowed, so he must do after the law of his separation.

This is the law of the Nazirite who voweth, and of his oblation unto Jehovah for his separation, besides that which he is able to get: according to his vow which he voweth, so he must do after the law of his separation.

This is the law of the Nazarite, when he hath vowed his oblation to the Lord in the time of his consecration, besides those things which his hand shall find, according to that which he had vowed in his mind, so shall he do for the fulfilling of his sanctification.

This is the law of the Nazarite who hath vowed: his offering to Jehovah for his consecration, beside what his hand is able to get; according to the vow which he vowed, so shall he do, according to the law of his consecration.

This is the law of the Nazirite who voweth, and of his oblation unto the LORD for his separation, beside that which he is able to get: according to his vow which he voweth, so he must do after the law of his separation.

This is the law of the Nazarite who hath vowed, and of his offering to the LORD for his separation, besides that which his hand shall get: according to the vow which he vowed, so he must do after the law of his separation.

"'This is the law of the Nazirite who vows, and of his offering to Yahweh for his separation, besides that which he is able to get. According to his vow which he vows, so he must do after the law of his separation.'"

This is the law of the Nazarite, who voweth his offering to Jehovah for his separation, apart from that which his hand attaineth; according to his vow which he voweth so he doth by the law of his separation.'

Numrat 6:21
Ky është ligji për nazireun që i ka premtuar Zotit një ofertë për shenjtërimin e tij, veç atyre që mjetet e tij do t'i lejojnë të bëjë. Në bazë të kushtit të lidhur, ai duhet të sillet në pajtim me ligjin e shenjtërimit të tij".

ﺍﻟﻌﺪﺩ 6:21
هذه شريعة النذير الذي ينذر. قربانه للرب عن انتذاره فضلا عما تنال يده. حسب نذره الذي نذر كذلك يعمل حسب شريعة انتذاره

De Zalrach 6:21
Dös ist ietz ys Gotgweihtngsötz gwösn. Er mueß dös, was yr glübt haat, streng einhaltn und si naach n Gsötz dyrfür richtn. Er anthaisst dyrvor ayn Opfer, dös was yr dyrnaach aau bringen mueß; und wenn yr öbbs drauflögt, ist s aau recht.

Числа 6:21
Това е законът за назирея, който е направил обрек и за приноса му Господу поради назирейството му, освен онова, което му дава ръка; съгласно с обрека, който е направил, така да постъпва според закона за назирейството си.

民 數 記 6:21
許 願 的 拿 細 耳 人 為 離 俗 所 獻 的 供 物 , 和 他 以 外 所 能 得 的 獻 給 耶 和 華 , 就 有 這 條 例 。 他 怎 樣 許 願 就 當 照 離 俗 的 條 例 行 。

许 愿 的 拿 细 耳 人 为 离 俗 所 献 的 供 物 , 和 他 以 外 所 能 得 的 献 给 耶 和 华 , 就 有 这 条 例 。 他 怎 样 许 愿 就 当 照 离 俗 的 条 例 行 。



Numbers 6:21
Ovo je obred nazirejca, ne računajući ono što bi još mogla prinijeti njegova ruka. Ako je povrh svoga nazireata obećao kakav dar, neka povrh obreda svoga nazireata učini kako je zavjetovao.

Numeri 6:21
Ten jest zákon nazarea, kterýž slib učinil, a jeho obět Hospodinu za oddělení jeho, kromě toho, což by více učiniti mohl. Vedlé slibu svého, kterýž učinil, tak učiní podlé zákona oddělení svého.

4 Mosebog 6:21
Det er Loven om Nasiræeren, der aflægger Løfte, om hans Offergave til HERREN i Anledning af Indvielsen, foruden hvad han ellers evner at give; overensstemmende med Løftet, han aflægger, skal han forholde sig efter den for hans Indvielse gældende Lov.

Numberi 6:21
Dit is de wet des Nazireers, die zijn offerande den HEERE voor zijn Nazireerschap zal beloofd hebben, behalve wat zijn hand bekomen zal; naar zijn gelofte, welke hij beloofd zal hebben, alzo zal hij doen, naar de wet van zijn Nazireerschap.

במדבר 6:21
זֹ֣את תֹּורַ֣ת הַנָּזִיר֮ אֲשֶׁ֣ר יִדֹּר֒ קָרְבָּנֹ֤ו לַֽיהוָה֙ עַל־נִזְרֹ֔ו מִלְּבַ֖ד אֲשֶׁר־תַּשִּׂ֣יג יָדֹ֑ו כְּפִ֤י נִדְרֹו֙ אֲשֶׁ֣ר יִדֹּ֔ר כֵּ֣ן יַעֲשֶׂ֔ה עַ֖ל תֹּורַ֥ת נִזְרֹֽו׃ פ

כא זאת תורת הנזיר אשר ידר קרבנו ליהוה על נזרו מלבד אשר תשיג ידו כפי נדרו אשר ידר--כן יעשה על תורת נזרו  {פ}

זאת תורת הנזיר אשר ידר קרבנו ליהוה על־נזרו מלבד אשר־תשיג ידו כפי נדרו אשר ידר כן יעשה על תורת נזרו׃ פ

4 Mózes 6:21
Ez a nazireus törvénye, a ki fogadást tett, [és] az õ áldozata az õ nazireusságáért az Úrnak, azonkivül, a mihez módja van. Az õ fogadása szerint, a melyet fogadott, a képen cselekedjék, az õ nazireusságának törvénye szerint.

Moseo 4: Nombroj 6:21
Tio estas la legxo pri konsekrito, kiu donis sanktan promeson; lia ofero apartenas al la Eternulo pro lia konsekriteco, krom tio, kion permesos al li lia bonhavo; konforme al sia promeso, kiun li promesis, li faru, laux la legxo pri lia konsekriteco.

Tämä on eroitetun laki, joka uhrinsa lupaa Herralle eroituksensa puolesta, paitsi mitä hän muutoin taisi matkaan saattaa: niinkuin hän on luvannut, niin pitää myös hänen tekemän lupauslakinsa jälkeen.

Nombres 6:21
Telle est la loi du nazaréen qui se sera voué, telle son offrande à l'Éternel pour son nazaréat, outre ce que sa main aura pu atteindre; selon son voeu qu'il aura fait, ainsi il fera, suivant la loi de son nazaréat.

Telle est la loi pour celui qui fait voeu de naziréat; telle est son offrande à l'Eternel pour son naziréat, outre ce que lui permettront ses ressources. Il accomplira ce qui est ordonné pour le voeu qu'il a fait, selon la loi de son naziréat.

Telle est la loi du Nazarien qui aura voué à l'Eternel son offrande pour son Nazaréat, outre ce qu'il aura [encore] moyen d'offrir; il fera selon son vœu qu'il aura voué, suivant la loi de son Nazaréat.

4 Mose 6:21
Das ist das Gesetz des Verlobten, der sein Opfer dem HERRN gelobet, von wegen seines Gelübdes, außer dem, was er sonst vermag; wie er gelobet hat, soll er tun nach dem Gesetz seines Gelübdes.

Das ist das Gesetz des Gottgeweihten, der sein Opfer dem HERRN gelobt wegen seines Gelübdes, außer dem, was er sonst vermag; wie er gelobt hat, soll er tun nach dem Gesetz seines Gelübdes. {~}

Das sind die Bestimmungen in betreff des Gottgeweihten, der ein Gelübde thut, - was er zufolge seiner Weihe Jahwe darzubringen hat, abgesehen von dem, was er außerdem noch zu leisten vermag. Wie das Gelübde fordert, das er abgelegt hat, soll er verfahren, nach den für seine Weihe geltenden Bestimmungen.

Numeri 6:21
Tale è la legge relativa a colui che ha fatto voto di nazireato, tale è la sua offerta all’Eterno per il suo nazireato, oltre quello che i suoi mezzi gli permetteranno di fare. Egli agirà secondo il voto che avrà fatto, conformemente alla legge del suo nazireato".

Questa è la legge del Nazireo che avrà votata la sua offerta al Signore per lo suo Nazireato; oltre a quello ch’egli potrà fornir di più secondo la sua facoltà; faccia secondo il voto ch’egli avrà fatto, oltre alla legge del suo Nazireato.

Maka inilah hukum orang nazir yang telah janji persembahan korbannya kepada Tuhan karena nazirnya, lain dari pada yang dapat dipersembahkannya lebih; setuju dengan janji yang telah dijanjikannya hendaklah ia mempersembahkan lebih dari pada segala yang ditanggungkan atasnya oleh hukum nazirnya itu.

민수기 6:21
이는 곧 서원한 나실인이 자기 몸을 구별한 일로 인하여 여호와께 예물을 드림과 행할 법이며 이 외에도 힘이 미치는 대로 하려니와 그 서원 한대로 자기 몸을 구별하는 법을 따라 할 것이니라

Numeri 6:21
ista est lex nazarei cum voverit oblationem suam Domino tempore consecrationis suae exceptis his quae invenerit manus eius iuxta quod mente devoverat ita faciet ad perfectionem sanctificationis suae

Skaièiø knyga 6:21
Toks yra nazarėno, kuris davė įžadą, įstatymas ir auka Viešpačiui, neskaičiuojant to, ką jis aukos pagal savo įžadą, kad išpildytų pasišventimo įstatymą’ ”.

Numbers 6:21
Ko te ture tenei mo te Natari, nana te ki wehe, mo tana whakahere hoki ki a Ihowa ina wehea, hei tapiri mo ta tona ringa i whiwhi ai: kia rite ki tana ki i ki ai; kei te ture o tona wehenga te tikanga mo tana e mea ai.

4 Mosebok 6:21
Dette er loven for den som gjør et nasireer-løfte, dette er det han skal ofre til Herren på grunn av sin innvielse, foruten det han ellers har råd til; han skal holde sig efter det løfte han har gjort, foruten det loven om hans innvielse krever.

Números 6:21
Esta es la ley del nazareo que hace voto de su ofrenda al SEÑOR, según su nazareato, además de lo que sus recursos le permitan; según el voto que tome, así hará conforme a la ley de su nazareato.

"Esta es la ley del Nazareo que hace voto de su ofrenda al SEÑOR, según su nazareato, además de lo que sus recursos le permitan; según el voto que tome, así hará conforme a la ley de su nazareato."

Ésta es la ley del nazareo que hiciere voto de su ofrenda a Jehová por su nazareato, además de lo que su mano alcanzare: según el voto que hiciere, así hará, conforme a la ley de su nazareato.

Esta es la ley del Nazareo que hiciere voto de su ofrenda á Jehová por su nazareato, á más de lo que su mano alcanzare: según el voto que hiciere, así hará, conforme á la ley de su nazareato.

Esta es la ley del Nazareo que hiciere voto de su ofrenda al SEÑOR por su nazareato, a más de lo que sus recursos le permitieren; según el voto que hiciere, así hará, conforme a la ley de su nazareato.

Números 6:21
Esse é o ritual do voto nazireu e da oferta dedicada a Yahweh de acordo com a sua separação, sem contar qualquer outra oferta que queira dedicar. Cumprirá, pois, o voto que tiver feito conforme o ritual do nazireu!”

Esta é a lei do que fizer voto de nazireu, e da sua oferta ao Senhor pelo seu nazireado, afora qualquer outra coisa que as suas posses lhe permitirem oferecer; segundo o seu voto, que fizer, assim fará conforme a lei o seu nazireado.   

Numeri 6:21
Aceasta este legea pentru cel ce a făcut juruinţa de nazireat: acesta este darul lui, care trebuie adus Domnului pentru nazireatul lui, afară de ce -i vor îngădui mijloacele lui. Să împlinească tot ce este poruncit pentru juruinţa pe care a făcut -o, după legea nazireatului.``

Числа 6:21
Вот закон о назорее, который дал обет, и жертва егоГосподу за назорейство свое, кроме того, что позволит ему достаток его; по обету своему, какой он даст, так и должен он делать, сверх узаконенного о назорействе его.

Вот закон о назорее, который дал обет, и жертва его Господу за назорейство свое, кроме того, что позволит ему достаток его; по обету своему, какой он даст, так и должен он делать, сверх узаконенного о назорействе его.[]

4 Mosebok 6:21
Detta är lagen om den som har avlagt ett nasirlöfte, och om vad han på grund av nasirlöftet skall offra åt HERREN, förutom vad han eljest kan anskaffa; efter innehållet i det löfte han har avlagt skall han göra, enligt lagen om hans nasirat.

Numbers 6:21
Ito ang kautusan tungkol sa Nazareo na nagpanata, at tungkol sa kaniyang alay sa Panginoon dahil sa kaniyang pagtalaga, bukod pa sa aabutin ng kaniyang mga kaya: ayon sa kaniyang panata na kaniyang ipinanata, ay gayon niya dapat gagawin, ayon sa kautusan tungkol sa kaniyang pagkatalaga.

กันดารวิถี 6:21
นี่เป็นพระราชบัญญัติของผู้เป็นนาศีร์ผู้ปฏิญาณ และเครื่องบูชาของเขาที่ถวายแด่พระเยโฮวาห์ในการปลีกตัว นอกจากสิ่งอื่นๆที่เขาถวายได้ ดังนั้นแหละเขาต้องกระทำตามพระราชบัญญัติของการปลีกตัวออกไปเป็นนาศีร์ ตามที่เขาได้ปฏิญาณไว้"

Çölde Sayım 6:21
‹‹ ‹Adak adayan adanmış kişiyle ilgili yasa budur. RABbe sunacağı sunu adağı uyarınca olacak. Elinden geldiğince daha fazlasını verebilir. Adanmışlıkla ilgili yasa uyarınca adadığı adağı yerine getirmelidir.› ››[]

Daân-soá Kyù 6:21
Ðó là luật lệ về người Na-xi-rê đã hứa nguyện, và đây là của lễ người phải dâng cho Ðức Giê-hô-va về nguyện Na-xi-rê mình, ngoại trừ của lễ nào người có thể dâng thêm. Người phải theo luật lệ về sự Na-xi-rê mình mà làm theo lời hứa nguyện của mình vậy.

Numbers 6:20
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