Numbers 6:14
Numbers 6:14
There they are to present their offerings to the LORD: a year-old male lamb without defect for a burnt offering, a year-old ewe lamb without defect for a sin offering, a ram without defect for a fellowship offering,

and offer their sacrifices to the LORD: a one-year-old male lamb without defect for a burnt offering, a one-year-old female lamb without defect for a sin offering, a ram without defect for a peace offering,

and he shall bring his gift to the LORD, one male lamb a year old without blemish for a burnt offering, and one ewe lamb a year old without blemish as a sin offering, and one ram without blemish as a peace offering,

'He shall present his offering to the LORD: one male lamb a year old without defect for a burnt offering and one ewe-lamb a year old without defect for a sin offering and one ram without defect for a peace offering,

And he shall offer his offering unto the LORD, one he lamb of the first year without blemish for a burnt offering, and one ewe lamb of the first year without blemish for a sin offering, and one ram without blemish for peace offerings,

He is to present an offering to the LORD of one unblemished year-old male lamb as a burnt offering, one unblemished year-old female lamb as a sin offering, one unblemished ram as a fellowship offering,

He is to bring an offering to the LORD, a year old male lamb, and a year old ewe female lamb, both without blemish, for a sin offering and a ram without blemish for a peace offering,

and he must present his offering to the LORD: one male lamb in its first year without blemish for a burnt offering, one ewe lamb in its first year without blemish for a purification offering, one ram without blemish for a peace offering,

They must bring these offerings to the LORD: a one-year-old male lamb as a burnt offering, a one-year-old female lamb as an offering for sin, and a ram as a fellowship offering. All of these animals must have no defects.

and they shall offer their offering unto the LORD, one he lamb of the first year without blemish for a burnt offering and one ewe lamb of the first year without blemish as the sin and one ram without blemish for peace offerings,

And he shall offer his offering unto the LORD, one male lamb of the first year without blemish for a burnt offering, and one ewe lamb of the first year without blemish for a sin offering, and one ram without blemish for peace offerings,

And he shall offer his offering to the LORD, one he lamb of the first year without blemish for a burnt offering, and one ewe lamb of the first year without blemish for a sin offering, and one ram without blemish for peace offerings,

and he shall offer his oblation unto Jehovah, one he-lamb a year old without blemish for a burnt-offering, and one ewe-lamb a year old without blemish for a sin-offering, and one ram without blemish for peace-offerings,

And shall offer his oblation to the Lord: one he lamb of a year old without blemish for a holocaust, and one awe lamb of a year old without blemish for a sin offering, and one ram without blemish for a victim of peace offering,

And he shall present his offering to Jehovah, one yearling he-lamb without blemish for a burnt-offering, and one yearling ewe-lamb without blemish for a sin-offering, and one ram without blemish for a peace-offering;

and he shall offer his oblation unto the LORD, one he-lamb of the first year without blemish for a burnt offering, and one ewe-lamb of the first year without blemish for a sin offering, and one ram without blemish for peace offerings,

And he shall offer his offering to the LORD, one he-lamb of the first year without blemish for a burnt-offering, and one ewe-lamb of the first year without blemish for a sin-offering, and one ram without blemish for peace-offerings,

and he shall offer his offering to Yahweh, one male lamb a year old without blemish for a burnt offering, and one ewe lamb a year old without blemish for a sin offering, and one ram without blemish for peace offerings,

and he hath brought near his offering to Jehovah, one he-lamb, a son of a year, a perfect one, for a burnt-offering, and one she-lamb, a daughter of a year, a perfect one, for a sin-offering, and one ram, a perfect one, for peace-offerings,

Numrat 6:14
dhe ai do t'ia paraqesë ofertën e tij Zotit: një qengj mashkull motak pa të meta për olokaustin, një qengj femër motak pa të meta për flijimin për mëkatin dhe një dash pa të meta për flijimin e falënderimit;

ﺍﻟﻌﺪﺩ 6:14
فيقرّب قربانه للرب خروفا واحدا حوليّا صحيحا محرقة ونعجة واحدة حولية صحيحة ذبيحة خطية وكبشا واحدا صحيحا ذبيحة سلامة

De Zalrach 6:14
und bringt yn n Herrn ayn Opfer. Dyrzue ghoert ayn jaerigs Schaafböckl als Brandopfer, ayn jaerigs weibets Lämpl als Sündopfer und ayn Wider als Heilsopfer, allss aane Zaadl.

Числа 6:14
и той да принесе в принос за себе си Господу едно мъжко едногодишно агне без недостатък за всеизгаряне, едно женско едногодишно агне без недостатък в принос за грях, един овен без недостатък за примирителен принос,

民 數 記 6:14
他 要 將 供 物 奉 給 耶 和 華 , 就 是 一 隻 沒 有 殘 疾 、 一 歲 的 公 羊 羔 作 燔 祭 , 一 隻 沒 有 殘 疾 、 一 歲 的 母 羊 羔 作 贖 罪 祭 , 和 一 隻 沒 有 殘 疾 的 公 綿 羊 作 平 安 祭 ,

他 要 将 供 物 奉 给 耶 和 华 , 就 是 一 只 没 有 残 疾 、 一 岁 的 公 羊 羔 作 燔 祭 , 一 只 没 有 残 疾 、 一 岁 的 母 羊 羔 作 赎 罪 祭 , 和 一 只 没 有 残 疾 的 公 绵 羊 作 平 安 祭 ,



Numbers 6:14
Kao svoj prinos neka Jahvi donese: jednogodišnjeg janjca bez mane za žrtvu paljenicu; jednogodišnje žensko janje, bez mane, za žrtvu okajnicu; jednoga ovna, bez mane, za žrtvu pričesnicu;

Numeri 6:14
A bude obětovati obět svou Hospodinu, beránka ročního bez poškvrny, jednoho v obět zápalnou, a ovci jednu roční bez poškvrny v obět za hřích, a skopce jednoho bez poškvrny v obět pokojnou,

4 Mosebog 6:14
og som Offergave bringe HERREN et aargammelt, lydefrit Væderlam til Brændoffer, et aargammelt, lydefrit Hunlam til Syndoffer og en lydefri Væder til Takoffer,

Numberi 6:14
Hij dan zal tot zijn offerande den HEERE offeren een volkomen eenjarig lam ten brandoffer, en een volkomen eenjarig ooilam ten zondoffer, en een volkomen ram ten dankoffer.

במדבר 6:14
וְהִקְרִ֣יב אֶת־קָרְבָּנֹ֣ו לַיהוָ֡ה כֶּבֶשׂ֩ בֶּן־שְׁנָתֹ֨ו תָמִ֤ים אֶחָד֙ לְעֹלָ֔ה וְכַבְשָׂ֨ה אַחַ֧ת בַּת־שְׁנָתָ֛הּ תְּמִימָ֖ה לְחַטָּ֑את וְאַֽיִל־אֶחָ֥ד תָּמִ֖ים לִשְׁלָמִֽים׃

יד והקריב את קרבנו ליהוה כבש בן שנתו תמים אחד לעלה וכבשה אחת בת שנתה תמימה לחטאת ואיל אחד תמים לשלמים

והקריב את־קרבנו ליהוה כבש בן־שנתו תמים אחד לעלה וכבשה אחת בת־שנתה תמימה לחטאת ואיל־אחד תמים לשלמים׃

4 Mózes 6:14
Õ pedig vigye fel az õ áldozatját az Úrnak: egy esztendõs, ép hím bárányt egészen égõáldozatul, és egy esztendõs, ép nõstény bárányt bûnért való áldozatul, és egy ép kost hálaáldozatul.

Moseo 4: Nombroj 6:14
kaj li alportu kiel oferon al la Eternulo unu jaragxan sxafidon sendifektan kiel bruloferon, kaj unu jaragxan sxafidinon sendifektan kiel pekoferon, kaj unu virsxafon sendifektan kiel pacoferon,

Ja hänen pitää tuoman uhrinsa Herralle: vuosikuntaisen virheettömän karitsan polttouhriksi, vuosikuntaisen virheettömän uuhen syntiuhriksi ja vuosikuntaisen virheettömän oinaan kiitosuhriksi,

Nombres 6:14
et il présentera son offrande à l'Éternel, un agneau mâle, âgé d'un an, sans défaut, pour holocauste, et un agneau femelle, âgé d'un an, sans défaut, en sacrifice pour le péché, et un bélier sans défaut, pour sacrifice de prospérités;

Il présentera son offrande à l'Eternel: un agneau d'un an et sans défaut pour l'holocauste, une brebis d'un an et sans défaut pour le sacrifice d'expiation, et un bélier sans défaut pour le sacrifice d'actions de grâces;

Et il fera son offrande l'Eternel d'un agneau d'un an sans tare, en holocauste, et d'une brebis d'un an sans tare, pour le péché, et d'un bélier sans tare, pour le sacrifice de prospérités;

4 Mose 6:14
Und er soll bringen sein Opfer dem HERRN, ein jährig Lamm ohne Wandel zum Brandopfer und ein jährig Schaf ohne Wandel zum Sündopfer und einen Widder ohne Wandel zum Dankopfer

Und er soll bringen sein Opfer dem HERRN, ein jähriges Lamm ohne Fehl zum Brandopfer und ein jähriges Schaf ohne Fehl zum Sündopfer und einen Widder ohne Fehl zum Dankopfer

Als seine Opfergabe aber hat er Jahwe ein fehlloses, einjähriges Lamm zum Brandopfer und ein fehlloses, einjähriges weibliches Lamm zum Sündopfer, sowie einen fehllosen Widder zum Heilsopfer darzubringen,

Numeri 6:14
ed egli presenterà la sua offerta all’Eterno: un agnello dell’anno, senza difetto, per l’olocausto; una pecora dell’anno, senza difetto, per il sacrifizio per il peccato, e un montone senza difetto, per il sacrifizio di azioni di grazie;

E offerisca la sua offerta al Signore; cioè: un agnello di un anno, senza difetto, per olocausto; e un’agnella di un anno, senza difetto, per lo peccato; e un montone senza difetto, per sacrificio da render grazie;

serta dibawanya akan persembahan kepada Tuhan seekor anak domba jantan yang umur setahun dan tiada berkecelaan akan korban bakaran, dan seekor domba betina yang umur setahun dan tiada berkecelaan akan korban karena dosa, dan seekor domba jantan yang tiada berkecelaan akan korban syukur,

민수기 6:14
그는 여호와께 예물을 드리되 번제물로 일년 된 흠 없는 수양 하나와 속죄제물로 일년 된 흠 없는 어린 암양 하나와 화목제물로 흠 없는 수양 하나와

Numeri 6:14
et offeret oblationem eius Domino agnum anniculum inmaculatum in holocaustum et ovem anniculam inmaculatam pro peccato et arietem inmaculatum hostiam pacificam

Skaièiø knyga 6:14
kur jis aukos auką Viešpačiui: metinį sveiką avinėlį deginamajai aukai, metinę sveiką avelę aukai už nuodėmę ir sveiką aviną padėkos aukai,

Numbers 6:14
A me whakahere e ia tana whakahere ki a Ihowa, kia kotahi te reme toa tau tahi, hei te mea kohakore, hei tahunga tinana, me tetahi reme uha tau tahi, hei te mea kohakore, hei whakahere hara, me teahi hipi toa kohakore, hei whakahere mo te pai,

4 Mosebok 6:14
og han skal bære frem for Herren sitt offer, et årsgammelt værlam uten lyte til brennoffer og et årsgammelt hunlam uten lyte til syndoffer og en vær uten lyte til takkoffer

Números 6:14
y presentará su ofrenda delante del SEÑOR, un cordero de un año, sin defecto, como holocausto, y una cordera de un año, sin defecto, como ofrenda por el pecado, y un carnero sin defecto, como ofrenda de paz,

y presentará su ofrenda delante del SEÑOR, un cordero de un año, sin defecto, como holocausto, y una cordera de un año, sin defecto, como ofrenda por el pecado, y un carnero sin defecto, como ofrenda de paz,

y ofrecerá su ofrenda a Jehová, un cordero de un año sin defecto en holocausto, y una cordera de un año sin defecto en expiación, y un carnero sin defecto por ofrenda de paz.

Y ofrecerá su ofrenda á Jehová, un cordero de un año sin tacha en holocausto, y una cordera de un año sin defecto en expiación, y un carnero sin defecto por sacrificio de paces:

y ofrecerá su ofrenda al SEÑOR, un cordero de un año sin tacha en holocausto, y una cordera de un año sin tacha en expiación, y un carnero sin tacha en sacrificio de paz;

Números 6:14
oferecerá a Yahweh a sua oferta: um cordeiro perfeito, de um ano, em holocausto; uma ovelha perfeita, de um ano, em sacrifício pelo pecado; um carneiro perfeito, como oferta de comunhão;

e oferecerá a sua oferta ao Senhor: um cordeiro de um ano, sem defeito, como holocausto, e uma cordeira de um ano, sem defeito, como oferta pelo pecado, e um carneiro sem defeito como oferta pacífica;   

Numeri 6:14
Ca dar, să aducă Domnului: un miel de un an fără cusur, pentru arderea de tot, o oaie de un an şi fără cusur pentru jertfa de ispăşire, şi un berbece fără cusur, pentru jertfa de mulţămire;

Числа 6:14
и он принесет в жертву Господу одного однолетнего агнца без порока во всесожжение, и одну однолетнюю агницу без порока в жертву за грех, и одного овна без порока в жертву мирную,

и он принесет в жертву Господу одного однолетнего агнца без порока во всесожжение, и одну однолетнюю агницу без порока в жертву за грех, и одного овна без порока в жертву мирную,[]

4 Mosebok 6:14
och han skall såsom sitt offer åt HERREN frambära ett årsgammalt felfritt lamm av hankön till brännoffer och ett årsgammalt felfritt lamm av honkön till syndoffer och en felfri vädur till tackoffer,

Numbers 6:14
At kaniyang ihahandog ang kaniyang alay sa Panginoon, na isang korderong lalake ng unang taon na walang kapintasan, na pinakahandog na susunugin, at isang korderong babae ng unang taon na walang kapintasan na pinakahandog dahil sa kasalanan at isang tupang lalake na walang kapintasan na pinakahandog tungkol sa kapayapaan,

กันดารวิถี 6:14
ให้เขาถวายเครื่องบูชาแด่พระเยโฮวาห์ คือลูกแกะผู้อายุขวบหนึ่งที่ปราศจากตำหนิเป็นเครื่องเผาบูชา และลูกแกะเมียอายุขวบหนึ่งที่ปราศจากตำหนิเป็นเครื่องบูชาไถ่บาป และแกะผู้ตัวหนึ่งที่ปราศจากตำหนิเป็นเครื่องสันติบูชา

Çölde Sayım 6:14
Orada RABbe sunularını sunacak: Yakmalık sunu için bir yaşında kusursuz bir erkek kuzu, günah sunusu olarak bir yaşında kusursuz bir dişi kuzu, esenlik sunusu için kusursuz bir koç,[]

Daân-soá Kyù 6:14
người phải dâng của lễ mình cho Ðức Giê-hô-va, tức là một con chiên con giáp năm không tì vít, làm của lễ thiêu, một con chiên cái giáp năm không tì vít, làm của lễ chuộc tội, và một con chiên đực không tì vít, làm của lễ thù ân;

Numbers 6:13
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