Numbers 6:12
Numbers 6:12
They must rededicate themselves to the LORD for the same period of dedication and must bring a year-old male lamb as a guilt offering. The previous days do not count, because they became defiled during their period of dedication.

The days of their vow that were completed before their defilement no longer count. They must rededicate themselves to the LORD as a Nazirite for the full term of their vow, and each must bring a one-year-old male lamb for a guilt offering.

and separate himself to the LORD for the days of his separation and bring a male lamb a year old for a guilt offering. But the previous period shall be void, because his separation was defiled.

and shall dedicate to the LORD his days as a Nazirite, and shall bring a male lamb a year old for a guilt offering; but the former days will be void because his separation was defiled.

And he shall consecrate unto the LORD the days of his separation, and shall bring a lamb of the first year for a trespass offering: but the days that were before shall be lost, because his separation was defiled.

He is to rededicate his time of consecration to the LORD and to bring a year-old male lamb as a restitution offering. But do not count the previous period, because his consecrated hair became defiled."

He is to dedicate to the LORD the days of his consecration by bringing a year old male lamb as his offering. The previous time will have failed because his consecration became defiled.

He must rededicate to the LORD the days of his separation and bring a male lamb in its first year as a reparation offering, but the former days will not be counted because his separation was defiled.

Once again he will dedicate himself to the LORD as a Nazirite for the same length of time as before. He must bring a one-year-old male lamb as an offering for guilt. The first time period won't count. He has to start over from when he became unclean.

And they shall consecrate unto the LORD the days of their Nazariteship and shall bring a lamb of the first year for their guilt; but the days that were before shall be lost because their Nazariteship was defiled.

And he shall consecrate unto the LORD the days of his separation, and shall bring a lamb of the first year for a trespass offering: but the days that were before shall be lost, because his separation was defiled.

And he shall consecrate to the LORD the days of his separation, and shall bring a lamb of the first year for a trespass offering: but the days that were before shall be lost, because his separation was defiled.

And he shall separate unto Jehovah the days of his separation, and shall bring a he-lamb a year old for a trespass-offering; but the former days shall be void, because his separation was defiled.

And shall consecrate to the Lord the days of his separation, offering a lamb of one year for sin: yet so that the former days be made void, because his sanctification was profaned.

And he shall again consecrate to Jehovah the days of his separation, and shall bring a yearling lamb for a trespass-offering. But the first days are forfeited, for his consecration hath been defiled.

And he shall separate unto the LORD the days of his separation, and shall bring a he-lamb of the first year for a guilt offering: but the former days shall be void, because his separation was defiled.

And he shall consecrate to the LORD the days of his separation, and shall bring a lamb of the first year for a trespass-offering: but the days that were before shall be lost, because his separation was defiled.

He shall separate to Yahweh the days of his separation, and shall bring a male lamb a year old for a trespass offering; but the former days shall be void, because his separation was defiled.

and he hath separated to Jehovah the days of his separation, and he hath brought in a lamb, a son of a year, for a guilt-offering, and the former days are fallen, for his separation hath been defiled.

Numrat 6:12
Do t'i shenjtërojë përsëri Zotit ditët e nazireatit të tij dhe do të çojë një qengj motak si fli shlyerjeje; por ditët e mëparshme nuk do të llogariten më, sepse nazireati i tij është ndotur.

ﺍﻟﻌﺪﺩ 6:12
فمتى نذر للرب ايام انتذاره ياتي بخروف حولي ذبيحة اثم واما الايام الاولى فتسقط لانه نجس انتذاره

De Zalrach 6:12
Er sollt si dann für de Zeit, wo yr ursprünglich glübt hiet, von dönn Tag wögg neu weihen und ayn jaerigs Lämpl als Schuldopfer darbringen. De ander Zeit aber giltt niemer; durch sein Unrainet ist s verfalln.

Числа 6:12
След това [изново] да посвети Господу дните на назирейството си и да донесе едногодишно агне в принос за престъпление; а по-предишните дни няма да се считат, защото се е осквернило назирейството му.

民 數 記 6:12
他 要 另 選 離 俗 歸 耶 和 華 的 日 子 , 又 要 牽 一 隻 一 歲 的 公 羊 羔 來 作 贖 愆 祭 ; 但 先 前 的 日 子 要 歸 徒 然 , 因 為 他 在 離 俗 之 間 被 玷 污 了 。

他 要 另 选 离 俗 归 耶 和 华 的 日 子 , 又 要 牵 一 只 一 岁 的 公 羊 羔 来 作 赎 愆 祭 ; 但 先 前 的 日 子 要 归 徒 然 , 因 为 他 在 离 俗 之 间 被 玷 污 了 。



Numbers 6:12
neka zavjetuje Jahvi dane svoga nazireata; neka donese jednogodišnjeg janjca kao žrtvu naknadnicu. Prijašnje vrijeme neka se ne računa, jer je njegov nazireat bio oskvrnjen.

Numeri 6:12
A oddělí Hospodinu dny nazarejství svého, a přinese beránka ročního za provinění, a dnové první přijdou v nic; nebo poškvrněno jest nazarejství jeho.

4 Mosebog 6:12
og atter indvie sig til HERREN for lige saa lang Tid, som han før havde indviet sig, og bringe et aargammelt Lam som Skyldoffer; den forløbne Tid regnes ikke med, da han har bragt Urenhed over sit indviede Hoved.

Numberi 6:12
Daarna zal hij de dagen van zijn Nazireerschap den HEERE afzonderen, en zal een lam, dat eenjarig is, brengen ten schuldoffer; en de vorige dagen zullen vallen, omdat zijn Nazireerschap verontreinigd was.

במדבר 6:12
וְהִזִּ֤יר לַֽיהוָה֙ אֶת־יְמֵ֣י נִזְרֹ֔ו וְהֵבִ֛יא כֶּ֥בֶשׂ בֶּן־שְׁנָתֹ֖ו לְאָשָׁ֑ם וְהַיָּמִ֤ים הָרִאשֹׁנִים֙ יִפְּל֔וּ כִּ֥י טָמֵ֖א נִזְרֹֽו׃

יב והזיר ליהוה את ימי נזרו והביא כבש בן שנתו לאשם והימים הראשנים יפלו כי טמא נזרו

והזיר ליהוה את־ימי נזרו והביא כבש בן־שנתו לאשם והימים הראשנים יפלו כי טמא נזרו׃

4 Mózes 6:12
És az õ nazireusságának napjait szentelje [újra] az Úrnak, és vigyen az õ vétkéért való áldozatul egy esztendõs bárányt; az elébbi napok pedig essenek el, mert megfertõztette az õ nazireusságát.

Moseo 4: Nombroj 6:12
Kaj li konsekros sin al la Eternulo por la tempo de sia konsekriteco, kaj li alportos jaragxan sxafidon kiel kulpoferon; kaj la tempo antauxa perdos sian valoron, cxar lia konsekriteco malpurigxis.

Ja hänen pitää Herralle pitämän eroituksensa päivät, ja tuoman vuosikuntaisen karitsan vikauhriksi. Ja niin pitää ne entiset päivät tyhjään raukeeman, sentähden että hänen eroituksensa tuli saastutetuksi.

Nombres 6:12
Et il consacrera à l'Éternel les jours de son nazaréat, et il amènera un agneau, âgé d'un an, en sacrifice pour le délit; et les premiers jours seront comptés pour rien, car il a rendu impur son nazaréat.

Il consacrera de nouveau à l'Eternel les jours de son naziréat, et il offrira un agneau d'un an en sacrifice de culpabilité; les jours précédents ne seront point comptés, parce que son naziréat a été souillé.

Et il séparera à l'Eternel les jours de son Nazaréat, offrant un agneau d'un an pour le délit, et les premiers jours seront comptés pour rien; car son Nazaréat a été souillé.

4 Mose 6:12
daß er dem HERRN die Zeit seines Gelübdes aushalte. Und soll ein jährig Lamm bringen zum Schuldopfer. Aber die vorigen Tage sollen umsonst sein, darum daß sein Gelübde verunreiniget ist.

daß er dem HERRN die Zeit seines Gelübdes aushalte. Und soll ein jähriges Lamm bringen zum Schuldopfer. Aber die vorigen Tage sollen umsonst sein, darum daß sein Gelübde verunreinigt ist.

sich Jahwe für die früher von ihm gelobte Zeit weihen und ein einjähriges Lamm als Schuldopfer bringen; die erste Weihezeit aber wird hinfällig, weil seine Weihe verunreinigt ward.

Numeri 6:12
Consacrerà di nuovo all’Eterno i giorni del suo nazireato, e offrirà un agnello dell’anno come sacrifizio di riparazione; i giorni precedenti non saranno contati, perché il suo nazireato è stato contaminato.

e consacri al Signore i giorni del suo Nazireato; e adduca un agnello di un anno per la colpa; e sieno i giorni precedenti tenuti per nulla; conciossiachè il suo Nazireato sia stato contaminato.

Maka hendaklah diasingkannya pula dirinya segala hari nazirnya bagi Tuhan dan dibawanya seekor anak domba yang umur setahun akan korban karena salah, maka segala hari yang dahulu itu tiada dibilang, sebab telah dinajiskannya hal nazirnya.

민수기 6:12
자기 몸을 구별하여 여호와께 드릴 날을 새로 정하고 일년 된 수양을 가져다가 속건제로 드릴지니라 자기 몸을 구별한 때에 그 몸을 더렵혔은즉 지나간 날은 무효니라

Numeri 6:12
et consecrabit Domino dies separationis illius offerens agnum anniculum pro peccato ita tamen ut dies priores irriti fiant quoniam polluta est sanctificatio eius

Skaièiø knyga 6:12
ir atves metinį avinėlį aukai už kaltę. Ankstesnės dienos nebus įskaitytos, nes jo pasišventimas buvo suteptas.

Numbers 6:12
A me whakatapu e ia ki a Ihowa nga ra o tona wehenga, me kawe mai ano he reme toa, he tau tahi, hei whakahere mo te he: ko nga ra ia o mua ka whakataka, no te mea kua poke tona wehenga.

4 Mosebok 6:12
og på ny vie sig til Herren for like sa lang tid som han først hadde lovt, og føre frem et årsgammelt lam til skyldoffer; den første tid gjelder ikke mere, fordi hans innvielse blev utskjemt.

Números 6:12
y dedicará al SEÑOR los días de su nazareato, y traerá un cordero de un año como ofrenda por su culpa; pero los primeros días quedarán anulados, por cuanto su nazareato fue contaminado.

y dedicará al SEÑOR los días de su nazareato, y traerá un cordero de un año como ofrenda por su culpa; pero los primeros días quedarán anulados, por cuanto su nazareato fue contaminado.

Y consagrará a Jehová los días de su nazareato, y traerá un cordero de un año en expiación por la culpa; y los días primeros serán anulados, por cuanto fue contaminado su nazareato.

Y consagrará á Jehová los días de su nazareato, y traerá un cordero de un año en expiación por la culpa; y los días primeros serán anulados, por cuanto fué contaminado su nazareato.

Y consagrará al SEÑOR los días de su nazareato, y traerá un cordero de un año en expiación por la culpa; y los días primeros serán anulados, por cuanto fue contaminado su nazareato.

Números 6:12
ele se santificará ao SENHOR durante todo o tempo do seu nazireato e levará um cordeiro de um ano como sacrifício de reparação. O tempo já decorrido não se contará, visto que sua cabeleira se tornou impura.

Então separará ao Senhor os dias do seu nazireado, e para oferta pela culpa trará um cordeiro de um ano; mas os dias antecedentes serão perdidos, porquanto o seu nazireado foi contaminado.   

Numeri 6:12
Să închine din nou Domnului zilele nazireatului lui dinainte, şi să aducă un miel de un an ca jertfă pentru vină; zilele dinainte nu vor fi socotite, pentrucă nazireatul lui a fost pîngărit.

Числа 6:12
и должен он снова начать посвященные Господу дни назорейства своего и принести однолетнего агнца в жертву повинности; прежние же дни пропали, потому что назорейство его осквернено.

и должен он снова начать посвященные Господу дни назорейства своего и принести однолетнего агнца в жертву повинности; прежние же дни пропали, потому что назорейство его осквернено.[]

4 Mosebok 6:12
han skall inviga sig till nasir åt HERREN för lika lång tid som han förut hade lovat. Och han skall föra fram ett årsgammalt lamm till skuldoffer. Den förra löftestiden skall vara ogill, därför att hans nasirat blev orenat.

Numbers 6:12
At itatalaga niya sa Panginoon ang mga araw ng kaniyang pagkatalaga, at siya'y magdadala ng isang korderong lalake ng unang taon na pinakahandog dahil sa pagkakasala: datapuwa't ang mga unang araw ay mawawalan ng kabuluhan, sapagka't ang kaniyang pagkatalaga ay nadumhan.

กันดารวิถี 6:12
และให้เขาปลีกตัวออกถวายแด่พระเยโฮวาห์ตลอดเวลาการปลีกตัวของเขา และนำลูกแกะอายุหนึ่งขวบมาเป็นเครื่องบูชาไถ่การละเมิด แต่เวลาก่อนนั้นนับไม่ได้ เพราะการปฏิญาณปลีกตัวของเขานั้นมีมลทินเสียแล้ว

Çölde Sayım 6:12
Adanmışlığı süresince kendini RABbe yeniden adayacak. Suç sunusu olarak bir yaşında bir erkek kuzu getirecek. Önceki günler sayılmayacak, çünkü adanmışlığı kirlenmiş sayıldı.[]

Daân-soá Kyù 6:12
Thế thì, người phải biệt riêng ra cho Ðức Giê-hô-va những ngày về nguyện Na-xi-rê mình lại, và dâng một con chiên đực giáp năm làm của lễ chuộc sự mắc lỗi, và những ngày trước không kể nữa, vì sự Na-xi-rê mình đã bị ô uế.

Numbers 6:11
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