Numbers 5:23
Numbers 5:23
"'The priest is to write these curses on a scroll and then wash them off into the bitter water.

And the priest will write these curses on a piece of leather and wash them off into the bitter water.

“Then the priest shall write these curses in a book and wash them off into the water of bitterness.

'The priest shall then write these curses on a scroll, and he shall wash them off into the water of bitterness.

And the priest shall write these curses in a book, and he shall blot them out with the bitter water:

Then the priest is to write these curses on a scroll and wash them off into the bitter water.

"Then the priest is to write all of these words in a document and wipe it off with the contaminated water.

"'Then the priest will write these curses on a scroll and then scrape them off into the bitter water.

"The priest will write these curses on a scroll and wash them off into the bitter water.

And the priest shall write these curses in a book, and he shall blot them out with the bitter water;

And the priest shall write these curses in a book, and he shall blot them out with the bitter water:

And the priest shall write these curses in a book, and he shall blot them out with the bitter water:

And the priest shall write these curses in a book, and he shall blot them out into the water of bitterness:

And the priest shall write these curses in a book, and shall wash them out with the most bitter waters, upon which he hath heaped the curses,

And the priest shall write these curses in a book, and shall blot them out with the bitter water,

And the priest shall write these curses in a book, and he shall blot them out into the water of bitterness:

And the priest shall write these curses in a book, and he shall blot them out with the bitter water:

"'The priest shall write these curses in a book, and he shall blot them out into the water of bitterness.

And the priest hath written these execrations in a book, and hath blotted them out with the bitter waters,

Numrat 5:23
Pastaj prifti do t'i shkruajë këto mallkime mbi një rrotull dhe do t'i zhdukë në ujin e hidhur.

ﺍﻟﻌﺪﺩ 5:23
ويكتب الكاهن هذه اللعنات في الكتاب ثم يمحوها في الماء المرّ

De Zalrach 5:23
Dyr Priester schreibt die Flüech nider und wischt de Buechstabn eyn s Schmertzwasser einhin.

Числа 5:23
После свещеникът да напише тия клетви на книга и да ги заличи с горчивата вода;

民 數 記 5:23
祭 司 要 寫 這 咒 詛 的 話 , 將 所 寫 的 字 抹 在 苦 水 裡 ,

祭 司 要 写 这 咒 诅 的 话 , 将 所 写 的 字 抹 在 苦 水 里 ,



Numbers 5:23
Potom neka ta prokletstva svećenik napiše na list pa ih ispere u vodu gorčine.

Numeri 5:23
Napíše pak všecko zlořečenství toto do knihy, a smyje je tou vodou hořkou.

4 Mosebog 5:23
Derpaa skal Præsten skrive disse Forbandelser op paa et Blad og vaske dem ud i den bitre Vandes Vand

Numberi 5:23
Daarna zal de priester deze zelfde vloeken op een cedeltje schrijven, en hij zal het met het bitter water uitdoen.

במדבר 5:23
וְ֠כָתַב אֶת־הָאָלֹ֥ת הָאֵ֛לֶּה הַכֹּהֵ֖ן בַּסֵּ֑פֶר וּמָחָ֖ה אֶל־מֵ֥י הַמָּרִֽים׃

כג וכתב את האלת האלה הכהן--בספר ומחה אל מי המרים

וכתב את־האלת האלה הכהן בספר ומחה אל־מי המרים׃

4 Mózes 5:23
És írja fel a pap ez átkokat levélre, azután törölje le a keserû vízzel.

Moseo 4: Nombroj 5:23
Kaj la pastro enskribos tiun jxurligon en libro kaj lavos gxin per la maldolcxa akvo.

Ja niin pitää papin kirjoittaman nämä kiroukset kirjaan, ja pitää taas pyyhkimän ne ulos siihen katkeraan veteen,

Nombres 5:23
-Et le sacrificateur écrira ces exécrations dans un livre, Et les effacera Avec les eaux amères.

Le sacrificateur écrira ces imprécations dans un livre, puis les effacera avec les eaux amères.

Ensuite le Sacrificateur écrira dans un livre ces exécrations, et les effacera avec les eaux amères.

4 Mose 5:23
Also soll der Priester diese Flüche auf einen Zettel schreiben und mit dem bittern Wasser abwaschen;

Also soll der Priester diese Flüche auf einen Zettel schreiben und mit dem bittern Wasser abwaschen

Hierauf schreibe der Priester diese Verwünschungen auf ein Blatt, wische sie ab in das Wasser des bitteren Wehs hinein

Numeri 5:23
Poi il sacerdote scriverà queste imprecazioni in un rotolo, e le cancellerà con l’acqua amara.

Poi scriva il sacerdote queste maledizioni in un cartello, e le cancelli con quell’acqua amara.

Setelah itu maka hendaklah disuratkan imam segala sumpah ini pada sehelai kertas, lalu dihapuskannya pula dengan air kutuk itu.

민수기 5:23
제사장이 저주의 말을 두루마리에 써서 그 글자를 그 쓴 물에 빨아 넣고

Numeri 5:23
scribetque sacerdos in libello ista maledicta et delebit ea aquis amarissimis in quas maledicta congessit

Skaièiø knyga 5:23
Kunigas surašys tuos prakeikimus ir juos nuplaus karčiuoju vandeniu.

Numbers 5:23
A me tuhituhi enei kanga e te tohunga ki te pukapuka, ka horoi atu ano e ia ki roto ki te wai kawa:

4 Mosebok 5:23
Derefter skal presten skrive op disse forbannelser på et blad og vaske dem ut i bitterhetens vann,

Números 5:23
``Entonces el sacerdote escribirá estas maldiciones en un rollo, y las lavará en el agua de amargura.

'Entonces el sacerdote escribirá estas maldiciones en un rollo, y las lavará en el agua de amargura.

Y el sacerdote escribirá estas maldiciones en un libro, y las borrará con las aguas amargas;

Y el sacerdote escribirá estas maldiciones en un libro, y las borrará con las aguas amargas:

Y el sacerdote escribirá estas maldiciones en un libro, y las borrará con las aguas amargas;

Números 5:23
Em seguida o sacerdote escreverá essas imprecações em um documento e as lavará com as águas amargas.

Então o sacerdote escreverá estas maldições num livro, e na água de amargura as apagará;   

Numeri 5:23
Preotul să scrie blestemurile acestea într'o carte, apoi să le şteargă cu apele cele amare.

Числа 5:23
И напишет священник заклинания сии на свитке, и смоет их в горькую воду;

И напишет священник заклинания сии на свитке, и смоет их в горькую воду;[]

4 Mosebok 5:23
Sedan skall prästen skriva upp dessa förbannelser på ett blad och därefter avtvå dem i olycksvattnet

Numbers 5:23
At isusulat ng saserdote ang mga sumpang ito sa isang aklat, at kaniyang buburahin sa mapait na tubig:

กันดารวิถี 5:23
แล้วปุโรหิตจะเขียนคำสาปนี้ลงในหนังสือ และลบความนั้นออกเสียด้วยน้ำแห่งความขมขื่น

Çölde Sayım 5:23
‹‹ ‹Kâhin bu lanetleri bir kitaba yazıp acı suda yıkayacak.[]

Daân-soá Kyù 5:23
Kế đó, thầy tế lễ phải viết các lời trù ẻo nầy trong một cuốn sách, rồi lấy nước đắng bôi đi.

Numbers 5:22
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