Numbers 36:3
Numbers 36:3
Now suppose they marry men from other Israelite tribes; then their inheritance will be taken from our ancestral inheritance and added to that of the tribe they marry into. And so part of the inheritance allotted to us will be taken away.

But if they marry men from another tribe, their grants of land will go with them to the tribe into which they marry. In this way, the total area of our tribal land will be reduced.

But if they are married to any of the sons of the other tribes of the people of Israel, then their inheritance will be taken from the inheritance of our fathers and added to the inheritance of the tribe into which they marry. So it will be taken away from the lot of our inheritance.

"But if they marry one of the sons of the other tribes of the sons of Israel, their inheritance will be withdrawn from the inheritance of our fathers and will be added to the inheritance of the tribe to which they belong; thus it will be withdrawn from our allotted inheritance.

And if they be married to any of the sons of the other tribes of the children of Israel, then shall their inheritance be taken from the inheritance of our fathers, and shall be put to the inheritance of the tribe whereunto they are received: so shall it be taken from the lot of our inheritance.

If they marry any of the men from the other Israelite tribes, their inheritance will be taken away from our fathers' inheritance and added to that of the tribe into which they marry. Therefore, part of our allotted inheritance would be taken away.

But when they get married to one of the descendants of the tribes of Israel, their inheritances are to be withdrawn from our father's inheritance and added to the inheritance of the tribe to which they are to belong. Consequently, it is to be withdrawn from the portion of our inheritance.

Now if they should be married to one of the men from another Israelite tribe, their inheritance would be taken from the inheritance of our fathers and added to the inheritance of the tribe into which they marry. As a result, it will be taken from the lot of our inheritance.

Suppose they marry men from the other tribes of Israel. Their land will be taken away from that of our ancestors and added to the land of the tribe they marry into. Then we will have lost part of our land.

And if they become married to any of the sons of the other tribes of the sons of Israel, then their inheritance shall be taken from the inheritance of our fathers and shall be put to the inheritance of the tribe unto which they are received; so shall it be taken from the lot of our inheritance.

And if they are married to any of the sons of the other tribes of the children of Israel, then shall their inheritance be taken from the inheritance of our fathers, and shall be put to the inheritance of the tribe to which they are received: so shall it be taken from the lot of our inheritance.

And if they be married to any of the sons of the other tribes of the children of Israel, then shall their inheritance be taken from the inheritance of our fathers, and shall be put to the inheritance of the tribe whereunto they are received: so shall it be taken from the lot of our inheritance.

And if they be married to any of the sons of the other tribes of the children of Israel, then will their inheritance be taken away from the inheritance of our fathers, and will be added to the inheritance of the tribe whereunto they shall belong: so will it be taken away from the lot of our inheritance.

Now if men of another tribe take them to wives, their possession will follow them, and being transferred to another tribe, will be a diminishing of our inheritance.

Now if they be married to any of the sons of the other tribes of the children of Israel, then shall their inheritance be taken from the inheritance of our fathers, and shall be added to the inheritance of the tribe to which they shall belong; and it shall be taken from the lot of our inheritance.

And if they be married to any of the sons of the other tribes of the children of Israel, then shall their inheritance be taken away from the inheritance of our fathers, and shall be added to the inheritance of the tribe whereunto they shall belong: so shall it be taken away from the lot of our inheritance.

And if they shall be married to any of the sons of the other tribes of the children of Israel, then will their inheritance be taken from the inheritance of our fathers, and will be put to the inheritance of the tribe into which they are received: so it will be taken from the lot of our inheritance.

If they are married to any of the sons of the [other] tribes of the children of Israel, then will their inheritance be taken away from the inheritance of our fathers, and will be added to the inheritance of the tribe whereunto they shall belong: so will it be taken away from the lot of our inheritance.

And -- they have been to one of the sons of the other tribes of the sons of Israel for wives, and their inheritance hath been withdrawn from the inheritance of our fathers, and hath been added to the inheritance of the tribe which is theirs, and from the lot of our inheritance it is withdrawn,

Numrat 36:3
Në qoftë se ato martohen me një nga bijtë e fiseve të tjera të Izraelit, trashëgimia e tyre do të hiqet nga trashëgimia e etërve tanë dhe do t'i shtohet trashëgimisë së fisit në të cilin do të hyjnë; kështu do të hiqet nga trashëgimia që na ra në short.

ﺍﻟﻌﺪﺩ 36:3
فان صرن نساء لاحد من بني اسباط بني اسرائيل يؤخذ نصيبهنّ من نصيب آبائنا ويضاف الى نصيب السبط الذي صرن له. فمن قرعة نصيبنا يؤخذ.

De Zalrach 36:3
Wenn ietz aber ayn Sölcherne aynn Man aus aynn andern Stamm von Isryheel heirett, dann verliest ünser Stamm dönn Vätterörbbsiz; und er fallt yn dönn Stamm zue, daa wo s hinheirett.

Числа 36:3
Но ако те се омъжат за някои от синовете на [другите] племена на израилтяните, тогава наследството им ще се отнеме от наследството на нашите бащи, и ще се приложи към наследството на онова племе, което ще ги вземе [за жени]; така то ще се отнеме от наследството, [което ни дава] жребието.

民 數 記 36:3
他 們 若 嫁 以 色 列 別 支 派 的 人 , 就 必 將 我 們 祖 宗 所 遺 留 的 產 業 加 在 他 們 丈 夫 支 派 的 產 業 中 。 這 樣 , 我 們 拈 鬮 所 得 的 產 業 就 要 減 少 了 。

他 们 若 嫁 以 色 列 别 支 派 的 人 , 就 必 将 我 们 祖 宗 所 遗 留 的 产 业 加 在 他 们 丈 夫 支 派 的 产 业 中 。 这 样 , 我 们 拈 阄 所 得 的 产 业 就 要 减 少 了 。



Numbers 36:3
Ali ako se one udaju za koga iz drugog izraelskoga plemena, onda će njihova baština biti otrgnuta od naše djedovske baštine i biti priključena baštini plemena kojemu one pripadnu. Tako će se okrnjiti baština koja kockom pripadne nama.

Numeri 36:3
Kteréž jestliže někomu z pokolení synů Izraelských, kromě z pokolení svého, dány budou za manželky, odejde dědictví jejich od dědictví otců našich, a přidáno bude k dědictví pokolení toho, do kteréhož by se vdaly, a tak z losu dědictví našeho ubude.

4 Mosebog 36:3
Men hvis de nu indgaar Ægteskab med Mænd, der hører til en anden af Israels Stammer, saa unddrages deres Arvelod jo vore Fædres Arvelod, og saaledes øges den Stammes Arvelod, som de kommer til at tilhøre, medens den Arvelod, der er tilfaldet os ved Lodkastning, formindskes;

Numberi 36:3
Wanneer zij een van de zonen der andere stammen van de kinderen Israels tot vrouwen zouden worden, zo zou haar erfenis van de erfenis onzer vaderen afgetrokken worden, en toegedaan zijn tot de erfenis van dien stam, aan welken zij geworden zouden; alzo zou van het lot onzer erfenis worden afgetrokken.

במדבר 36:3
וְ֠הָיוּ לְאֶחָ֞ד מִבְּנֵ֨י שִׁבְטֵ֥י בְנֵֽי־יִשְׂרָאֵל֮ לְנָשִׁים֒ וְנִגְרְעָ֤ה נַחֲלָתָן֙ מִנַּחֲלַ֣ת אֲבֹתֵ֔ינוּ וְנֹוסַ֕ף עַ֚ל נַחֲלַ֣ת הַמַּטֶּ֔ה אֲשֶׁ֥ר תִּהְיֶ֖ינָה לָהֶ֑ם וּמִגֹּרַ֥ל נַחֲלָתֵ֖נוּ יִגָּרֵֽעַ׃

ג והיו לאחד מבני שבטי בני ישראל לנשים ונגרעה נחלתן מנחלת אבתינו ונוסף על נחלת המטה אשר תהיינה להם ומגרל נחלתנו יגרע

והיו לאחד מבני שבטי בני־ישראל לנשים ונגרעה נחלתן מנחלת אבתינו ונוסף על נחלת המטה אשר תהיינה להם ומגרל נחלתנו יגרע׃

4 Mózes 36:3
És ha Izráel fiai közül valamely más törzs fiaihoz mennek feleségül: elszakasztatik az õ örökségök a mi atyáink örökségétõl, és oda csatoltatik az annak a törzsnek örökségéhez, a melynél [feleségül] lesznek; a mi örökségünk pedig megkisebbedik.

Moseo 4: Nombroj 36:3
Sed se ili farigxos edzinoj de iu el la filoj de alia tribo de la Izraelidoj, tiam ilia posedajxo estos forprenita el la posedajxo de niaj patroj, kaj aligxos al la posedajxo de tiu tribo, al kiu ili ekapartenos, kaj el nia lote ricevita posedajxo gxi estos forprenita.

Jos joku Israelin suvusta ottaa heitä emännäksensä, niin tulee heidän perintönsä vähemmäksi, meidän isäimme perinnöstä, ja tulee sen suvun perimyksen tykö, kuhunka he tulevat, ja niin tulee meidän perimyksemme arpa vähennetyksi.

Nombres 36:3
Si elles deviennent femmes de quelqu'un des fils des autres tribus des fils d'Israël, leur héritage sera ôté de l'héritage de nos pères, et sera ajouté à l'héritage de la tribu à laquelle elles viendront à appartenir; et il sera ôté du lot de notre héritage.

Si elles se marient à l'un des fils d'une autre tribu des enfants d'Israël, leur héritage sera retranché de l'héritage de nos pères et ajouté à celui de la tribu à laquelle elles appartiendront; ainsi sera diminué l'héritage qui nous est échu par le sort.

Si elles sont mariées à quelqu'un des enfants des [autres] Tribus d'Israël, leur héritage sera ôté de l'héritage de nos pères, et sera ajouté à l'héritage de la Tribu de laquelle elles seront; ainsi il sera ôté de l'héritage qui nous est échu par le sort.

4 Mose 36:3
Wenn sie jemand aus den Stämmen der Kinder Israel zu Weibern nimmt, so wird unsers Vaters Erbteil weniger werden, und so viel sie haben, wird zu dem Erbteil kommen des Stamms, dahin sie kommen; also wird das Los unsers Erbteils geringert.

Wenn sie jemand aus den Stämmen der Kinder Israel zu Weibern nimmt, so wird unserer Väter Erbteil weniger werden, und so viel sie haben, wird zu dem Erbteil kommen des Stammes, dahin sie kommen; also wird das Los unseres Erbteils verringert.

Wenn diese nun einen Abkömmling der übrigen Stämme der Israeliten heiraten, so wird ihr Erbbesitz dem Erbbesitz unserer Väter entzogen und zu dem Erbbesitze des Stammes derer hinzugefügt, mit denen sie sich verheiraten, und der uns zufallende Erbbesitz wird dadurch geschmälert.

Numeri 36:3
Se queste si maritano a qualcuno de’ figliuoli delle altre tribù de’ figliuoli d’Israele, la loro eredità sarà detratta dall’eredità de’ nostri padri, o aggiunta all’eredità della tribù nella quale esse saranno entrate; così sarà detratta dall’eredità che ci è toccata a sorte.

Ora, se elleno si maritano ad alcuno dell’altre tribù de’ figliuoli d’Israele, la loro eredità sarà ricisa dall’eredità de’ nostri padri, e sarà aggiunta all’eredità della tribù di quelli a’ quali si mariteranno; e così sarà diminuito della sorte della nostra eredità.

Maka jikalau kiranya mereka itu menjadi bini orang yang dari pada suku bani Israel yang lain, niscaya pusakanya akan dipotong dari pada pusaka bapa-bapa hamba dan ditambahkan kepada pusaka suku orang yang telah berbinikan mereka itu, demikianlah bahagian pusaka hambapun dikurangkan adanya.

민수기 36:3
그들이 만일 이스라엘 자손의 다른 지파 남자들에게 시집가면 그들의 기업은 우리 조상의 기업에서 감삭되고 그들의 속할 그 지파의 기업에 첨가되리니 그러면 우리 제비뽑은 기업에서 감삭될 것이요

Numeri 36:3
quas si alterius tribus homines uxores acceperint sequetur possessio sua et translata ad aliam tribum de nostra hereditate minuetur

Skaièiø knyga 36:3
Jei jas ves kitos giminės vyrai, jų dalis pereis kitai giminei ir bus atimta iš mums kritusios paveldėjimo dalies.

Numbers 36:3
Na ki te marenatia ratou ki etahi atu o nga tama o era iwi o nga tama a Iharaira, na ka titorehia to ratou wahi i te wahi o o matou matua, a ka tapiritia ki te wahi o te iwi e riro atu ai ratou, a ka titorehia i te wahi i meatia hei kainga tupu m o matou.

4 Mosebok 36:3
Men blir nu de gift med menn av Israels barns andre stammer, så går deres arv fra våre fedres arv og legges til den stammes arv som de kommer til å tilhøre, og således blir vår arvelodd mindre.

Números 36:3
Pero si ellas se casan con alguno de los hijos de las otras tribus de los hijos de Israel, su heredad será quitada de la herencia de nuestros padres, y será añadida a la heredad de la tribu a la que ellos pertenezcan; y así será quitada de nuestra heredad.

"Pero si ellas se casan con alguien de los hijos de las otras tribus de los Israelitas, su heredad será quitada de la herencia de nuestros padres, y será añadida a la heredad de la tribu a la que ellos pertenezcan; y así será quitada de nuestra heredad.

las cuales, si se casaren con algunos de los hijos de las otras tribus de los hijos de Israel, la herencia de ellas será quitada de la herencia de nuestros padres, y será añadida a la herencia de la tribu a que serán unidas; y será quitada de la suerte de nuestra heredad.

Las cuales, si se casaren con algunos de los hijos de las otras tribus de los hijos de Israel, la herencia de ellas será así desfalcada de la herencia de nuestros padres, y será añadida á la herencia de la tribu á que serán unidas: y será quitada de la su

las cuales, si se casaren con algunos de los hijos de las otras tribus de los hijos de Israel, la herencia de ellas será así disminuida de la herencia de nuestros padres, y será añadida a la herencia de la tribu a que serán unidas ; y será quitada de la suerte de nuestra heredad.

Números 36:3
Agora, supondo que elas venham a se casar com homens de outras tribos israelitas; nesse caso a herança que lhes pertence será tirada da herança dos nossos antepassados e acrescentada à herança da tribo com a qual se unirem pelo casamento.

E, se elas se casarem com os filhos das outras tribos de Israel, então a sua herança será diminuída da herança de nossos pais, e acrescentada à herança da tribo a que vierem a pertencer; assim será tirada da sorte da nossa herança.   

Numeri 36:3
Dar dacă ele se mărită după unul din fiii altei seminţii a copiilor lui Israel, moştenirea lor va fi ştearsă din moştenirea părinţilor noştri, şi adăugată la a seminţiei din care vor face parte; şi astfel moştenirea care ne -a căzut nouă la sorţi se va micşora.

Числа 36:3
если же они будут женами сынов которого-нибудь другого колена сынов Израилевых, то удел их отнимется от удела отцов наших и прибавится к уделу того колена, в которомони будут, и отнимется от доставшегося по жребию удела нашего;

если же они будут женами сынов которого-нибудь [другого] колена сынов Израилевых, то удел их отнимется от удела отцов наших и прибавится к уделу того колена, в котором они будут, и отнимется от доставшегося по жребию удела нашего;[]

4 Mosebok 36:3
Men om nu dessa bliva gifta med någon ur Israels barns andra stammar, så tages deras arvedel bort ifrån våra fäders arvedel, under det att den stam de komma att tillhöra får sin arvedel ökad; på detta sätt bliver en del av vår arvslott oss fråntagen.

Numbers 36:3
At kung sila'y magasawa sa kaninoman sa mga anak ng ibang mga lipi ng mga anak ni Israel ay aalisin nga ang mana nila na mula sa mana ng aming mga magulang, at sa idaragdag sa mana ng lipi na kinauukulan nila: sa gayo'y aalisin sa manang naukol sa amin.

กันดารวิถี 36:3
ถ้าเธอทั้งหลายแต่งงานกับบุตรชายทั้งหลายของคนอิสราเอลตระกูลอื่นแล้ว ส่วนมรดกของบรรพบุรุษของเราจะเพิ่มให้กับมรดกของคนตระกูลที่เธอไปอยู่ด้วย เพราะฉะนั้นจึงเป็นการที่นำมรดกไปจากส่วนที่เป็นของเรา

Çölde Sayım 36:3
Eğer Selofhatın kızları başka bir İsrail oymağına bağlı erkeklerle evlenirlerse, mirasları bizim ailelerimizden alınıp kocalarının bağlı oldukları oymağın mirasına eklenecek. Böylece kurayla bize düşen pay eksilecek.[]

Daân-soá Kyù 36:3
Nếu các con gái kết hôn với một trong những con trai về các chi phái khác của dân Y-sơ-ra-ên, sản nghiệp chúng nó sẽ truất khỏi sản nghiệp của tổ phụ chúng tôi mà thêm vào sản nghiệp của chi phái nào chúng nó sẽ thuộc về; như vậy phần đó phải truất khỏi sản nghiệp đã bắt thăm về chúng tôi.

Numbers 36:2
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