Numbers 35:8
Numbers 35:8
The towns you give the Levites from the land the Israelites possess are to be given in proportion to the inheritance of each tribe: Take many towns from a tribe that has many, but few from one that has few."

These towns will come from the property of the people of Israel. The larger tribes will give more towns to the Levites, while the smaller tribes will give fewer. Each tribe will give property in proportion to the size of its land."

And as for the cities that you shall give from the possession of the people of Israel, from the larger tribes you shall take many, and from the smaller tribes you shall take few; each, in proportion to the inheritance that it inherits, shall give of its cities to the Levites.”

"As for the cities which you shall give from the possession of the sons of Israel, you shall take more from the larger and you shall take less from the smaller; each shall give some of his cities to the Levites in proportion to his possession which he inherits."

And the cities which ye shall give shall be of the possession of the children of Israel: from them that have many ye shall give many; but from them that have few ye shall give few: every one shall give of his cities unto the Levites according to his inheritance which he inheriteth.

Of the cities that you give from the Israelites' territory, you should take more from a larger tribe and less from a smaller one. Each tribe is to give some of its cities to the Levites in proportion to the inheritance it receives."

You are to apportion the towns that you will be giving the Israelis according to the relative size of the tribe. Take a larger portion from those larger in number and a lesser portion from those fewer in number. Each is to set aside towns for the descendants of Levi proportional to the size of their inheritance that they receive."

The towns you will give must be from the possession of the Israelites. From the larger tribes you must give more; and from the smaller tribes fewer. Each must contribute some of its own towns to the Levites in proportion to the inheritance allocated to each.

The cities you give the Levites from the property of the other Israelites must be given based on the amount of land each tribe owns. Take more cities from larger tribes and fewer from smaller tribes."

And the cities which ye shall give shall be of the possession of the sons of Israel; from those that have much ye shall give many; but from those that have few ye shall give few, each one shall give of his cities unto the Levites according to his possession which he inherited.

And the cities which you shall give shall be from the possession of the children of Israel: from them that have many you shall give many; but from them that have few you shall give few: every one shall give from his cities unto the Levites according to his inheritance which he inherits.

And the cities which you shall give shall be of the possession of the children of Israel: from them that have many you shall give many; but from them that have few you shall give few: every one shall give of his cities to the Levites according to his inheritance which he inherits.

And concerning the cities which ye shall give of the possession of the children of Israel, from the many ye shall take many; and from the few ye shall take few: every one according to his inheritance which he inheriteth shall give of his cities unto the Levites.

And of these cities which shall be given out of the possessions of the children of Israel, from them that have more, more shall be taken: and from them that have less, fewer. Each shall give towns to the Levites according to the extent of their inheritance.

And the cities which ye shall give shall be of the possession of the children of Israel: from them that have much ye shall take much, and from them that have little ye shall take little; each one according to his inheritance which he will inherit shall give of his cities to the Levites.

And concerning the cities which ye shall give of the possession of the children of Israel, from the many ye shall take many; and from the few ye shall take few: every one according to his inheritance which he inheriteth shall give of his cities unto the Levites.

And the cities which ye shall give shall be of the possession of the children of Israel: from them that have many ye shall give many; but from them that have few ye shall give few: every one shall give of his cities to the Levites according to his inheritance which he inheriteth.

Concerning the cities which you shall give of the possession of the children of Israel, from the many you shall take many; and from the few you shall take few: everyone according to his inheritance which he inherits shall give of his cities to the Levites."

And the cities which ye give are of the possession of the sons of Israel, from the many ye multiply, and from the few ye diminish; each, according to his inheritance which they inherit, doth give of his cities to the Levites.'

Numrat 35:8
Qytetet që do t'u jepni Levitëve do të rrjedhin nga pronësia e bijve të Izraelit; nga fiset më të mëdha do të merrni më shumë, nga fiset më të vogla do të merrni më pak; çdo fis do t'u japë Levitëve ndonjë nga qytetet e tij, në përpjestim me trashëgiminë që do t'i takojë".

ﺍﻟﻌﺪﺩ 35:8
والمدن التي تعطون من ملك بني اسرائيل من الكثير تكثرون ومن القليل تقللون. كل واحد حسب نصيبه الذي ملكه يعطي من مدنه للاويين

De Zalrach 35:8
Wievil Stötn däß ayn Stamm yn de Brender umhinlaassn mueß, richtt si dyrnaach, wievil Land däß er selbn kriegt haat. Ayn groesserner Stamm mueß meerer und ayn kläinerner weeniger hergöbn.

Числа 35:8
И когато дадете градовете от притежанието на израилтяните, от многото [градове] дайте много, а от малкото- дайте малко; всяко [племе] да даде на левитите от градовете си според наследството, което е наследило.

民 數 記 35:8
以 色 列 人 所 得 的 地 業 從 中 要 把 些 城 邑 給 利 未 人 ; 人 多 的 就 多 給 , 人 少 的 就 少 給 ; 各 支 派 要 按 所 承 受 為 業 之 地 把 城 邑 給 利 未 人 。

以 色 列 人 所 得 的 地 业 从 中 要 把 些 城 邑 给 利 未 人 ; 人 多 的 就 多 给 , 人 少 的 就 少 给 ; 各 支 派 要 按 所 承 受 为 业 之 地 把 城 邑 给 利 未 人 。



Numbers 35:8
A gradove koje budete izdvajali od vlasništva Izraelaca, od onih koji ih imaju mnogo uzmite više, a manje od onih koji imaju malo. Neka svatko ustupi gradove levitima prema omjeru baštine koju bude primio."

Numeri 35:8
Těch pak měst, kteráž dáte z vládařství synů Izraelských, od těch, kteříž více mají, více vezmete, a od těch, kteříž méně mají, méně vezmete; jedno každé pokolení vedlé velikosti dědictví, jímž vládnouti budou, dá z měst svých Levítům.

4 Mosebog 35:8
Og af de Byer, I skal give dem af Israeliternes Besiddelser, skal I lade de større Stammer give flere, de mindre færre; hver Stamme skal give Leviterne saa mange af sine Byer, som svarer til den Arvelod, der tildeles den.

Numberi 35:8
De steden, die gij van de bezitting der kinderen Israels geven zult, zult gij van dien, die vele heeft, vele nemen, en van dien, die weinig heeft, weinige nemen; een ieder zal naar zijn erfenis, die zij zullen erven, van zijn steden aan de Levieten geven.

במדבר 35:8
וְהֶֽעָרִ֗ים אֲשֶׁ֤ר תִּתְּנוּ֙ מֵאֲחֻזַּ֣ת בְּנֵי־יִשְׂרָאֵ֔ל מֵאֵ֤ת הָרַב֙ תַּרְבּ֔וּ וּמֵאֵ֥ת הַמְעַ֖ט תַּמְעִ֑יטוּ אִ֗ישׁ כְּפִ֤י נַחֲלָתֹו֙ אֲשֶׁ֣ר יִנְחָ֔לוּ יִתֵּ֥ן מֵעָרָ֖יו לַלְוִיִּֽם׃ פ

ח והערים אשר תתנו מאחזת בני ישראל--מאת הרב תרבו ומאת המעט תמעיטו  איש כפי נחלתו אשר ינחלו יתן מעריו ללוים  {פ}

והערים אשר תתנו מאחזת בני־ישראל מאת הרב תרבו ומאת המעט תמעיטו איש כפי נחלתו אשר ינחלו יתן מעריו ללוים׃ פ

4 Mózes 35:8
A mely városokat pedig Izráel fiainak örökségébõl adtok, [azokhoz] attól, a kinek több van, többet vegyetek, és attól, a kinek kevesebb van, kevesebbet vegyetek; mindenik az õ örökségéhez képest, a melyet örökül kapott, adjon az õ városaiból a lévitáknak.

Moseo 4: Nombroj 35:8
La urbojn, kiujn vi donos el la posedajxoj de la Izraelidoj, de la plimultaj prenu pli multe kaj de la malplimultaj prenu malpli multe; cxiu konforme al sia posedajxo, kiun li ricevos, devas doni el siaj urboj al la Levidoj.

Ja ne kaupungit, jotka te annatte Israelin lasten omaisuudesta, pitää heille annettaman enempi siltä, jolla paljo on, ja vähempi siltä, jolla vähempi on: itsekukin perimisensä jälkeen, joka hänelle jaettu on, pitää antaman Leviläisille kaupungeita.

Nombres 35:8
Et quant aux villes que vous donnerez sur la possession des fils d'Israël, de ceux qui en auront beaucoup vous en prendrez beaucoup, et de ceux qui en auront peu vous en prendrez peu: chacun donnera de ses villes aux Lévites, à proportion de l'héritage qu'il aura reçu en partage.

Les villes que vous donnerez sur les propriétés des enfants d'Israël seront livrées en plus grand nombre par ceux qui en ont le plus, et en plus petit nombre par ceux qui en ont moins; chacun donnera de ses villes aux Lévites à proportion de l'héritage qu'il possédera.

Et quant aux villes que vous donnerez de la possession des enfants d'Israël, vous en donnerez plus [de la portion de] ceux qui en auront plus, et vous en donnerez moins, [de la portion de] ceux qui en auront moins, chacun donnera de ses villes aux Lévites à proportion de l'héritage qu'il possédera.

4 Mose 35:8
Und sollt derselben desto mehr geben von denen, die viel besitzen unter den Kindern Israel, und desto weniger von denen, die wenig besitzen; ein jeglicher nach seinem Erbteil, das ihm zugeteilet wird, soll Städte den Leviten geben.

Und sollt derselben desto mehr geben von denen, die viel besitzen unter den Kindern Israel, und desto weniger von denen, die wenig besitzen; ein jeglicher nach seinem Erbteil, das ihm zugeteilt wird, soll Städte den Leviten geben.

Und zwar sollt ihr die größeren Stämme der Israeliten mehr, die kleineren weniger Städte von ihrem Erbbesitz abtreten lassen; nach Maßgabe des erblichen Besitzes, den sie zu eigen erhalten werden, sollen sie ein jeder eine Anzahl seiner Städte an die Leviten abtreten.

Numeri 35:8
E di queste città che darete ai Leviti, prendendole dalla proprietà dei figliuoli d’Israele, ne prenderete di più da quelli che ne hanno di più, e di meno da quelli che ne hanno di meno; ognuno darà, delle sue città, ai Leviti, in proporzione della eredità che gli sarà toccata".

E di queste città, che voi darete a’ Leviti, dell’eredità dei figliuoli d’Israele, datene più, della tribù che sarà più grande; e meno, di quella che sarà più piccola. Ciascuna tribù dia delle sue città a’ Leviti, a ragion della sua eredità ch’ella possederà.

Maka adapun negeri-negeri yang akan kamu berikan kepadanya dari pada milik bani Israel itu: dari pada orang yang ada banyak hendaklah kamu ambil banyak dan dari pada orang yang sedikit hendaklah kamu ambil sedikit, masing-masing sekadar bahagian pusaka yang akan dipusakainya hendaklah diberikannya dari pada negeri-negerinya kepada orang Lewi itu.

민수기 35:8
이스라엘 자손의 산업에서 레위인에게 너희가 성읍을 줄 때에 많이 얻은 자에게서는 많이 취하여 주고 적게 얻은 자에게서는 적게 취하여 줄 것이라 각기 얻은 산업을 따라서 그 성읍들을 레위인에게 줄지니라

Numeri 35:8
ipsaeque urbes quae dabuntur de possessionibus filiorum Israhel ab his qui plus habent plures auferentur et qui minus pauciores singuli iuxta mensuram hereditatis suae dabunt oppida Levitis

Skaièiø knyga 35:8
Miestų, kuriuos duosite iš izraelitų nuosavybės levitams, daugiau paimsite iš tų giminių, kurios daugiau turi, ir mažiau iš tų, kurios mažiau turi; kiekvienas duos levitams miestų pagal savo paveldo dydį”.

Numbers 35:8
A hei roto i te wahi tuturu o nga tama a Iharaira nga pa e hoatu e koutou; kia maha i roto i nga mea maha, kia ouou hoki i roto i nga mea ouou, kia rite ki tona kainga e riro i a ia ona pa e hoatu e tera, e tera, ki nga Riwaiti.

4 Mosebok 35:8
Og av de byer som I skal gi av Israels barns eiendom, skal I ta flere av de store stammer og færre av de mindre; enhver av dem skal gi levittene byer efter som de har fått land til.

Números 35:8
En cuanto a las ciudades que daréis de la posesión de los hijos de Israel, tomaréis más del más grande y tomaréis menos del más pequeño; cada uno dará algunas de sus ciudades a los levitas en proporción a la posesión que herede.

"En cuanto a las ciudades que darán de la posesión de los Israelitas, tomarán más del más grande y tomarán menos del más pequeño; cada uno dará algunas de sus ciudades a los Levitas en proporción a la posesión que herede."

Y las ciudades que diereis de la heredad de los hijos de Israel, del que mucho tomaréis mucho, y del que poco tomaréis poco; cada uno dará de sus ciudades a los levitas según la posesión que heredará.

Y las ciudades que diereis de la heredad de los hijos de Israel, del que mucho tomaréis mucho, y del que poco tomaréis poco: cada uno dará de sus ciudades á los Levitas según la posesión que heredará.

Y las ciudades que diereis de la heredad de los hijos de Israel, del que mucho tomaréis mucho, y del que poco tomaréis poco; cada uno dará de sus ciudades a los levitas según la posesión que heredará.

Números 35:8
As cidades que dareis da possessão dos filho de Israel, vós as tomareis em maior número dos que têm muito e em pequeno número dos que têm pouco. Cada um dará das suas cidades aos levitas, em proporção com a herança que tiver recebido.”

Ora, no tocante às cidades que dareis da possessão dos filhos de Israel, da tribo que for grande tomareis muitas, e da que for pequena tomareis poucas; cada uma segundo a herança que receber dará as suas cidades aos levitas.   

Numeri 35:8
Cetăţile pe cari le veţi da din moşiile copiilor lui Israel să fie date mai multe de cei ce au mai multe, şi mai puţine de ceice au mai puţine; fiecare să dea Leviţilor din cetăţile lui după moştenirea pe care o va avea.``

Числа 35:8
И когда будете давать города из владения сынов Израилевых, тогда из большего дайте более, из меньшего менее; каждое колено, смотря по уделу, какой получит, должно дать из городов своих левитам.

И когда будете давать города из владения сынов Израилевых, тогда из большего дайте более, из меньшего менее; каждое колено, смотря по уделу, какой получит, должно дать из городов своих левитам.[]

4 Mosebok 35:8
Och av dessa städer, som I skolen giva av Israels barns besittningsområde, skolen I taga flera ur den stam som är större, och färre ur den som är mindre. Var stam skall åt leviterna giva ett antal av sina städer, som svarar mot den arvedel han själv har fått.

Numbers 35:8
At tungkol sa mga bayan na pag-aari ng mga anak ni Israel na inyong ibibigay ay kukuha kayo ng marami sa marami; at sa kaunti ay kukuha kayo ng kaunti: bawa't isa ayon sa kaniyang mana na kaniyang minamana ay magbibigay sa kaniyang mga bayan sa mga Levita.

กันดารวิถี 35:8
และหัวเมืองที่เจ้าจะให้เขาจากกรรมสิทธิ์ของคนอิสราเอลนั้น จากตระกูลใหญ่เจ้าก็เอาเมืองมากหน่อย จากตระกูลย่อมเจ้าก็เอาเมืองน้อยหน่อย ทุกตระกูลตามส่วนของมรดกซึ่งเขาได้รับ ให้ยกให้แก่คนเลวี"

Çölde Sayım 35:8
İsraillilerin mülkünden Levililere vereceğiniz kentler her oymağa düşen pay oranında olsun. Çok kenti olan oymak çok, az kenti olan oymak az sayıda kent verecek.››[]

Daân-soá Kyù 35:8
Về những thành do trong sản nghiệp của dân Y-sơ-ra-ên mà các ngươi sẽ nhường cho người Lê-vi phải lấy bớt nhiều hơn của chi phái có nhiều, và lấy bớt ít hơn của chi phái có ít; mỗi chi phái nhường cho người Lê-vi những thành cân phân theo sản nghiệp của mình sẽ được.

Numbers 35:7
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