Numbers 24:8
Numbers 24:8
"God brought them out of Egypt; they have the strength of a wild ox. They devour hostile nations and break their bones in pieces; with their arrows they pierce them.

God brought them out of Egypt; for them he is as strong as a wild ox. He devours all the nations that oppose him, breaking their bones in pieces, shooting them with arrows.

God brings him out of Egypt and is for him like the horns of the wild ox; he shall eat up the nations, his adversaries, and shall break their bones in pieces and pierce them through with his arrows.

"God brings him out of Egypt, He is for him like the horns of the wild ox. He will devour the nations who are his adversaries, And will crush their bones in pieces, And shatter them with his arrows.

God brought him forth out of Egypt; he hath as it were the strength of an unicorn: he shall eat up the nations his enemies, and shall break their bones, and pierce them through with his arrows.

God brought him out of Egypt; He is like the horns of a wild ox for them. He will feed on enemy nations and gnaw their bones; he will strike them with his arrows.

God is bringing them out of Egypt with the strength of an ox. He'll devour enemy nations, break their bones, and impale them with arrows.

God brought them out of Egypt. They have, as it were, the strength of a young bull; they will devour hostile people and will break their bones and will pierce them through with arrows.

The God who brought them out of Egypt has the strength of a wild bull. He will devour nations that are his enemies, crush their bones, and pierce them with arrows.

God brought him forth out of Egypt; he has, as it were, the strength of a unicorn; he shall eat up the Gentiles his enemies and shall break their bones and pierce them through with his arrows.

God brought him forth out of Egypt; he has as it were the strength of a wild ox: he shall eat up the nations his enemies, and shall break their bones, and pierce them through with his arrows.

God brought him forth out of Egypt; he has as it were the strength of an unicorn: he shall eat up the nations his enemies, and shall break their bones, and pierce them through with his arrows.

God bringeth him forth out of Egypt; He hath as it were the strength of the wild-ox: He shall eat up the nations his adversaries, And shall break their bones in pieces, And smite them through with his arrows.

God hath brought him out of Egypt, whose strength is like to the rhinoceros. They shall devour the nations that are his enemies, and break their bones, and pierce them with arrows.

ùGod brought him out of Egypt; he hath as it were the strength of a buffalo. He shall consume the nations his enemies, and break their bones, and with his arrows shall smite them in pieces.

God bringeth him forth out of Egypt; He hath as it were the strength of the wild-ox: He shall eat up the nations his adversaries, And shall break their bones in pieces, And smite them through with his arrows.

God brought him forth from Egypt; he hath as it were the strength of a unicorn: he shall eat up the nations his enemies, and shall break their bones, and pierce them through with his arrows.

God brings him out of Egypt. He has as it were the strength of the wild ox. He shall eat up the nations his adversaries, shall break their bones in pieces, and pierce them with his arrows.

God is bringing him out of Egypt; As the swiftness of a Reem is to him, He eateth up nations his adversaries, And their bones he breaketh, And with his arrows he smiteth,

Numrat 24:8
Perëndia, që e nxori nga Egjipti, është për të si brirët e fuqishëm të buallit. Ai do të gëlltisë kombet armike për të, do të coptojë kockat e tyre dhe do t'i shpojë tej për tej me shigjetat e tij.

ﺍﻟﻌﺪﺩ 24:8
الله اخرجه من مصر. له مثل سرعة الرئم. يأكل امما مضايقيه ويقضم عظامهم ويحطم سهامه.

De Zalrach 24:8
Dyr Herrgot haat n aushergfüert; sein Herndl stoesst, yn n Büffl gleich. Seind feind iem Völker, frisst yr s auf; er zbätzt s und bricht ienn Pfeil und Bogn.

Числа 24:8
Бог го изведе из Египет; Има сила, както див вол; Ще пояде неприятелските нему народи, Ще строши костите им, и ще ги удари със стрелите си.

民 數 記 24:8
神 領 他 出 埃 及 ; 他 似 乎 有 野 牛 之 力 。 他 要 吞 喫 敵 國 , 折 斷 他 們 的 骨 頭 , 用 箭 射 透 他 們 。

神 领 他 出 埃 及 ; 他 似 乎 有 野 牛 之 力 。 他 要 吞 吃 敌 国 , 折 断 他 们 的 骨 头 , 用 箭 射 透 他 们 。



Numbers 24:8
Iz Egipta Bog ga izveo, on je njemu k'o rozi bivola. On proždire narode dušmanske, on njihove kosti drobi.

Numeri 24:8
Bůh silný vyvedl jej z Egypta, jako udatnost jednorožcova jest jemu; sžereť národy protivné sobě, a kosti jich potře a střelami svými prostřílí.

4 Mosebog 24:8
Gud førte det ud af Ægypten, det har en Vildokses Horn; det opæder de Folkeslag der staar det imod, søndrer deres Ben og knuser deres Lænder.

Numberi 24:8
God heeft hem uit Egypte uitgevoerd; zijn krachten zijn als van een eenhoorn; hij zal de heidenen, zijn vijanden, verteren, en hun gebeente breken, en met zijn pijlen doorschieten.

במדבר 24:8
אֵ֚ל מֹוצִיאֹ֣ו מִמִּצְרַ֔יִם כְּתֹועֲפֹ֥ת רְאֵ֖ם לֹ֑ו יֹאכַ֞ל גֹּויִ֣ם צָרָ֗יו וְעַצְמֹתֵיהֶ֛ם יְגָרֵ֖ם וְחִצָּ֥יו יִמְחָֽץ׃

ח אל מוציאו ממצרים כתועפת ראם לו יאכל גוים צריו ועצמתיהם יגרם--וחציו ימחץ

אל מוציאו ממצרים כתועפת ראם לו יאכל גוים צריו ועצמתיהם יגרם וחציו ימחץ׃

4 Mózes 24:8
Isten hozta ki Égyiptomból, az õ ereje mint a vad bivalyé: megemészti a pogányokat, az õ ellenségeit; csontjaikat megtöri, és nyilaival által veri.

Moseo 4: Nombroj 24:8
Dio, kiu elkondukis lin el Egiptujo, Estas por li kiel la forto de bubalo; Li formangxas la popolojn, kiuj estas malamikaj al li, Kaj iliajn ostojn li frakasas Kaj per siaj sagoj disbatas.

Jumala johdatti hänen Egyptistä, hänen väkevyytensä on niinkuin yksisarvisen väkevyys: hänen pitää nielemän pakanat vihollisensa, ja heidän luunsa murentaman, ja nuolillansa ampuman lävitse.

Nombres 24:8
Dieu l'a fait sortir d'Égypte; il a comme la force des buffles; il dévorera les nations, ses ennemis; il cassera leurs os, et les frappera de ses flèches.

Dieu l'a fait sortir d'Egypte, Il est pour lui comme la vigueur du buffle. Il dévore les nations qui s'élèvent contre lui, Il brise leurs os, et les abat de ses flèches.

Le [Dieu] Fort qui l'a tiré d'Egypte, lui est comme les forces de la Licorne; il consumera les nations qui lui sont ennemies, il brisera leurs os, et les percera de ses flèches.

4 Mose 24:8
Gott hat ihn aus Ägypten geführet; seine Freudigkeit ist wie eines Einhorns. Er wird die Heiden, seine Verfolger, fressen und ihre Gebeine zermalmen und mit seinen Pfeilen zerschmettern.

Gott hat ihn aus Ägypten geführt; seine Freudigkeit ist wie eines Einhorns. Er wird die Heiden, seine Verfolger, fressen und ihre Gebeine zermalmen und mit seinen Pfeilen zerschmettern.

Gott, der es aus Ägypten hinwegführte, ist für es wie die Hörner eines Wildochsen; Völker, die ihm feind sind, zehrt es aus und zermalmt ihre Knochen und es zerschmettert seine Dränger.

Numeri 24:8
Iddio che l’ha tratto d’Egitto, gli dà il vigore del bufalo. Egli divorerà i popoli che gli sono avversari, frantumerà loro le ossa, li trafiggerà con le sue frecce.

Iddio, che l’ha tratto fuor di Egitto, Gli sarà a guisa di forze di liocorno; Egli consumerà le genti che gli saranno nemiche, E triterà loro le ossa, e le trafiggerà con le sue saette.

Bahwa Allah telah menghantar akan dia keluar dari Mesir, tempuhnya selaku seladang jantan; bangsa-bangsa yang bermusuh dengan dia akan dimakannya habis, tulang-tulang mereka itu dihancurluluhkannya dan lambungnya dipatahkannya.

민수기 24:8
하나님이 그를 애굽에서 인도하여 내셨으니 그 힘이 들소와 같도다 그 적국을 삼키고 그들의 뼈를 꺽으며 화살로 쏘아 꿰뚫으리로다

Numeri 24:8
Deus eduxit illum de Aegypto cuius fortitudo similis est rinocerotis devorabunt gentes hostes illius ossaque eorum confringent et perforabunt sagittis

Skaièiø knyga 24:8
Dievas išvedė jį iš Egipto, jo galybė kaip stumbro; jis suvalgys priešų tautas, sulaužys jų kaulus, pervers juos savo strėlėmis.

Numbers 24:8
Na te Atua ia i whakaputa mai i Ihipa; ko tona kaha, rite pu ki to te unikanga: ka pau nga iwi, ona hoariri, i a ia, ka whatiwhatiia e ia o ratou wheua, ka werohia hoki ratou ki ana pere.

4 Mosebok 24:8
Gud førte ham ut av Egypten; styrke har han som en villokse; han skal fortære hedningefolkene som står ham imot, og knuse deres ben og gjennembore dem med sine piler.

Números 24:8
Dios lo saca de Egipto; es para él como los cuernos del búfalo. Devorará a las naciones que son sus adversarios, y desmenuzará sus huesos, y los traspasará con sus saetas.

Dios lo saca de Egipto; Es para Israel como los cuernos del búfalo. Devorará a las naciones que son sus adversarios, Y desmenuzará sus huesos, Y los traspasará con sus flechas.

Dios lo sacó de Egipto; tiene fuerzas como de unicornio; comerá a las naciones sus enemigas, y desmenuzará sus huesos, y asaeteará con sus saetas.

Dios lo sacó de Egipto; Tiene fuerzas como de unicornio: Comerá á las gentes sus enemigas, Y desmenuzará sus huesos, Y asaeteará con sus saetas.

Dios lo sacó de Egipto; tiene fuerzas como el unicornio; comerá a los gentiles sus enemigos, y desmenuzará sus huesos, y los asaeteará con sus saetas.

Números 24:8
Deus os libertou do Egito e os vem comandando;

É Deus que os vem tirando do Egito; as suas forças são como as do boi selvagem; ele devorará as nações, seus adversários, lhes quebrará os ossos, e com as suas setas os atravessará.   

Numeri 24:8
Dumnezeu l -a scos din Egipt, Tăria lui este ca a bivolului pentru el. El nimiceşte neamurile cari se ridică împotriva lui, Le sfarmă oasele, şi le prăpădeşte cu săgeţile lui.

Числа 24:8
Бог вывел его из Египта, быстрота единорога у него, пожирает народы, враждебные ему, раздробляет кости их и стрелами своими разит врага .

Бог вывел его из Египта, быстрота единорога у него, пожирает народы, враждебные ему, раздробляет кости их и стрелами своими разит [врага].[]

4 Mosebok 24:8
Det är Gud som har fört honom ut ur Egypten. Hans styrka är såsom en vildoxes. Han skall uppsluka de folk som stå honom emot, deras ben skall han sönderkrossa, och med sina pilar skall han genomborra dem.

Numbers 24:8
Dios ang naglalabas sa kaniya sa Egipto; May lakas na gaya ng mabangis na toro: Kaniyang lalamunin ang mga bansa na kaniyang mga kaaway, At kaniyang pagwawaraywarayin ang kanilang mga buto, At palalagpasan sila ng kaniyang mga pana.

กันดารวิถี 24:8
พระเจ้าผู้ทรงนำเขาออกมาจากอียิปต์ ทรงเป็นเสมือนเขาโคกระทิงเพื่อเขา เขาจะกินประชาชาติซึ่งเป็นศัตรูเสีย และหักกระดูกของศัตรูเหล่านั้น และแทงเขาทั้งหลายทะลุด้วยลูกศร

Çölde Sayım 24:8
Tanrı onları Mısırdan çıkardı,
Onun yaban öküzü gibi gücü var.
Düşmanı olan ulusları yiyip bitirecek,
Kemiklerini parçalayacak,
Oklarıyla onları deşecekler.[]

Daân-soá Kyù 24:8
Ðức Chúa Trời đã dẫn người ra khỏi xứ Ê-díp-tô, Người có sức mạnh như bò rừng, Sẽ nuốt các nước, tức kẻ thù nghịch mình, Bẻ gãy xương chúng nó, đánh chúng nó bằng mũi tên mình.

Numbers 24:7
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